The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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4 9 WESTIELD WORTHINGTON NORTH ADAMS PITTSIELD CHESTER Mr Whalen was driving east Whalen turned his car Mr Torrey has assisted his GREAT BARRINGTON DEATH THERESA DEAN DALTON Springside avenue DENIES SOLDIER DEAD LEE Re MACHINERY IS REMOVED in Sheffield MOTHER 12 DIES 40 Mrs Local Noth ar rC' Louis Latour Anna IGth DEEB KILLS TOTAL 90 Two will start to keep open ENIELD AIH'KRTINKMKXT Must Guard Met ADAMS Against lu bar Pittsburg for the holidays HINSDALE TAKE NO CHANCES WITH COLDS BLANDORD Wyman lower physical ma ke of of MIDDLEIELD LENOX of the Charlea 1 Rnadutraatf UNERAL CHAPEl 7 WILLIAMSTOWN the tl million jars ate ember 1928 lorence and Mrs road find Students Offi were pniv an! and lett Jr Pope Buys Ancient House Pope has bought through Taylor the old house on ln the ZaveHd amSvIuaea (iT frow rao) Latour and Mrs Montreal funeral Will be church Tuesday daughter of Dean The car before fell orwants the MISS ANNA COLE WEDS TORREY JR ANGELO SCAVO HURT WHEN AUTOS COLLIDE acct to passes athletics at held at Notre morning at in St Joseph's SAYS RULES NO SURETY MARRIAGE SUCCESS PREACHES ON CHURCH AND ITS COMPETITORS of this town expires Gleason funeral home 2705 MAIN STREET Phone 2 6411 prosecute any Richmond association people of this town using the visiting the occasion may be greatly appre COUNCIL TO CONSIDER SCHOOL SITE VALUES be lodged Local People Urged to Prevent Epidemic Spreading as it did in 1918 when Half a Million Lives were Lost in this Coun try Alone overheat bridge which sit on the which will Pittsfield and Mary spending Mrs "John Wrist vnteh ward call Westfield piil Olds and Anna Harry Pierce joined at Springfield this I Curran He lias rank Wheeler Bridge street owned by the heirs of Arthur Walker estate who in herited the property from Edward Searles The house one of the old est in town was built in 1773 and was at that time located on the Site of the Sumner building on Main street In 1836 it was moved to its present lo cation The late Edward Searles bought it from the Jeremia Atwood estate Mr Pope has made no future plans but desires to control the old relic The clerks employed in the Hunt Co store were entertained Wednesday night with a dinner at the home of Mr and Nirs John Killeen' at their home Covers were games were ning The stores evenings Wednesday and will continue for the rest of the week Judge Sanford will render his de cision riday in the civil case of Stella Tassinari who brought an ac tion against the Berkshire Street rail way She claims that in getting Off a trolly car here a few months ago the motorman started the she alighted and that she the injuries sustained she sum of $500 on Dresser avenue laid for 20 Music' and enjoyed during the eve Salaries Raised Lenox Dec 16 The school board announced yesterday through the su perintendent of schools that the sal aries of all grade teachers had been advanced to $1300 per year Lenok academy students wllb pre sent a Christmas pageant at Brother hood hall Tuesday afternoon at 4 It will be after the manner of a fiiedi aeval mystery play "The The dances were devised and taught by Miss Humphreys for the occasion Thomas Moxon will be in charge of the music The Visiting Nurse association will distribute baskets of food stuffs and presents to the needy Christmas day and Christmas cheer to the shut ins Gifts may be left with the district nurse 1 President Edward Mogan of the Gift Jo Hinsdale Children Meyer of Lenox called yes thc'Hinsdale Public library the librarian to order six Thornton AV Burgess as a to the Three of these Blandford Dec 16 The grange held a whist party in Grange hall riday evening Oliver Amelia Theodore and Hubert Hart had low prizes The grange will have their Christmas tree and entertain ment in Grange hall Tuesday eve ning The committee in charge are: Mr and Mrs it Nye Mr and Mrs Horace Coash Mrs II Hayden and Mrs Ravmond Gretchen Knlttel and Marion Hart attended the 4 club rally in West field Saturday Mrs VVvman spent a few last week with friends in West Springfield Not many deer were killed by local people Ira Bates got one Monday Cross college in Worcester yesterday for the Christmas James Reynolds of AVallacc Joseph McMahon of North and Cornelius McMahon of avenue will report to Roy Gil the theme: About the Daughter of Oscar Dean Passes Away at Home In Sheffield Great Barrington Dec 16 Theresa Elsie Dean 15 daughter of Oscar Dean died at her home this morning after a long illness She was born in Sheffield the Oscar and Mary Austin survivors are her father: one sister Lillian: three brothers Oswald Hugo and Clifford also her grandparents Mr and Mrs John Dean all of Shef field The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 Rev I Williams pastor of the Congre gational church will officiate Burial will be in Center cemetery in Shef field' Town To Have Visiting Nurse West Stockbridge Dec 16 Through the courtesy of towns people of Richmond this town is to have the use and advantages of a visiting nurse A short time ago the citizens of Richmond subscribed $2000 for visiting nurse and they engaged Mfs Mary airweather a registered nurse who is a graduate ol St Luke's hospital Now the of Civil war serious at street and he is under the constant care of two trainer! nurses 'S CARO THANKS rTVa wish to have our friends and relatives know that we gratefully acknowledge and thank them for their kind expressions of sympathy which they bestowed on us during our recent bereavement: Colds Lead to ox club had several applications for membership filed with him Saturday The school savings collection for the week ending the 13th and deposit ed in the Lenox Savings bank amounted to $14144 This makes a total deposit by school children In the bank of $1236904 Louis Grass! appointed by Musso lini the Italian dictator head of the government's antiques and art de partment is the week end guest of Mr and Mrs Cortland ield Bishop Some New Yorkers wanted to aero plane up here to visit Mr Grass! Sat urday but were unable to do so us there is no landing field in Berkshire county save at Sheffield At a meeting of the selectmen yes7 terday rederick Delafield realty broker was drawn to serve as trav erse juror at' the sitting of the su perior court at Pittsfield In Janu ary Leafy Plouff and won first prizes and George Clark and Councilmen Robert Danckert Lawrence Ma loney and Joseph St James irst Dividend In Two Years The New England ire Insurance companr of which Calvin ord of this city is president has declared a dividend of 25 cents 2 4 per cent on the outstanding stock The divi dend is payable January 2 to stock holders of record December 15 This is the company's first dividend in two ears Mrs Charles Wright and Mrs Edward A Jones are at the Savoy Plaza hotel New York The South Congregational church parish house' building committee of which William Hagyard? is chair man Is to start an active campaign for funds January 9 If is hoped to raise $25000 Judge Charles I Hibbard in dis trict court yeesterday sentenced Worthington' Isenhardt to four months in jail for nonsupport of his wife'1 Sentence was suspended and he was put on probation on condition he pay $8 a week toward the support of his family Paul Dlcranian was sent tip for one month for nonsupport of his three children He appealed and furnished bail to appear before the January term of superior court The engagement is announced of Miss Isabel Daury daughter of Mr and Mrs red Daury 91 King street to Alfred Lebeau 46 Guilds place The Palace theater owned by Gold stein Brothers of Springfield after next week will abolish vaudeville and will have only sound pictures includ ing vitaphone and movietone This will be the first time in 20 years the Palace has had no vaudeville Ellsworth Houle of 96 Continen tal avenue Cohoes will be in court tomorrow on charges of setting up a lottery and violating the hawk and peddlers' laws i The board of public works has vot cd to ask the city council to delegate the control of school buildings Includ ing repairs to the school committee which wants the job The South Congregational church Bible school had its Christmas pro gram this noon Nativity pictures by eminent artists were shown and there was music The Crestalban school presented a Nativity play at Unity church today The annual Chanukah play and entertainment of the Temple Ansha Amonim Sunday school was given this afternoon at 3 with Mrs Michael Eisner In charge The South Congregational choir sang Christmas carols at Dalton Methodist church tonight The Pittsfield National Bank and Trust company of which Charles Power is president has declared a two per cent extra dividend making 10 per cent for the year The bank has capital stock of $300000 and surplus and undivided profits of $345081 The engagement is announced of Miss Helen Hare daughter of Mr Mrs Charles Hare ot 149 eari avenue to William Shandorf of 42 New Haven' Ct Jn the future it was announced all students making an All Smith team for the third tlmci either in three consecutive seasons or in throe different sports will receive not only her but a Smith blazer with crest This blazer will then be the highest award in Smith aspectally A leks as It can be used freely tbout distui bigg" th dl rubit on Over used cat ly (tope 1 Aurin Uniform actory Lee Employe Praised 'Dec' The Leo Cooper company ot New York which con ducted a uniform factory here for nearly two years closing in May lias removed the machinery used in its West Center street plant to en large the New Milford Ct branch of the company Harry Dresden of New York general manager of the company was here to supervise the work which was completed riday About 40 girls were employed in the Cooper plant whflelt was In operation Mr Dresden said that the working force composed of local people were good workers and very intelligent have no kick against he stated He indicated that the transfer of machinery had not been made sooner because of a pos sibility that the plant would reopen That possibility still exists he said The Cooper lease from Mrs Lena Bissell January 1 Relief The annual ley post the A mung (loners wove the trustees' ot tbe tire tyler following ap installed at a Rev John leroy Gage City Margaret Haven Ct and ago Beside her niece she leaves a sister Miss Anna Kelly of North Ad ams The funerab will be held at St rancis's church Tuesday morning at 9 and the body taken to Schuyler ville for burial in St Mary's ceme tery The fire department was called out within 24 hours for two automobile blazes the first one coming Saturday night when a car owned by Louis Norcutt parked on Holden street was slightly damaged Shortly after 430 this afternoon a fire in an automo bile owned by Joseph Cafuscelll of 368 East Main street was slightly damaged when a cross circuit occur red in the wiring Corliss Clement 34 of Searsburg Vt was taken to the North Adams hospital at 340 this afternoon where he underwent an operation on a badly lacerated left hand Clement is said to have been sawing wood when the accident occurred Dr Crowley attended him Miss Ellen Dundon 88 a native and life long resident of this city died last night at her home on South Church street She is survived by a nephew in Philadelphia The funeral will be held at St rancis church Tuesday morning at 8 and burial will be in the family lot at Hillside cemetery Nicholos Gattuso Center street merchant who was slashed by an un known assailant a week ago is at the North Adams hospital under the care ot Dr been at the institution since last ri day night inflicted by some one who dashed out of an automobile and made his escape in the same car was closed by 17 stitches It extends from his left ear to the point of his chin Police have been to get any clews as to tlie identity ot the slasher There were but two deer reported as killed here Saturday on the last day of the season Earl Bowen of Monroe shot a buck in Monroe and Arthur George of this city also shot a buck in Williamstown The funeral of Mrs Maria Terry Who died at the home ot her son rank Terry in Boston was held this afternoon at the Advent Chris tian church Rev A Johnson of ficiated and burial was in cemetery Mrs Terry was the widow Of Custer Terry She was blind for 30 years Miss Helen Duffey daughter ot Mrs Esteila Pierson Duffey of 520 Church street and John Horn Jr son of Mr and Mrs John Horn of 80 Grove street Adams were married at the Congregational manse Satur day morning at 1030 Rev AV Rock performed the ceremony and the attendants were Mrs Elizabeth Duffey and Peter Horn Jr a nephew of the groom uneral of Miss Rebecca Lincoln Brimfield Dec 16 The funernl of Miss Rebecca Lincoln was iT'kl at tlic home yesterday afternoon Rev ecii Hayesformer pastor Brimfield church officiated the many beautiful tributes Brimfield Public library from irst Congregational church ami the Woman's Business club Burial was In the family lot in a Brimfield cem etery The bearers were red Law rence ot Brimfield William am! John Newton of Springfield and Howard Carew of Monson Miss Lydia Hitchco*ck has closed her house and left yesterday for Spring field where she will spend a part the winter Waterbury Ct her Mejette Reynolds Wedding Hinsdale Dec Miss Mevette daughter of Mr Leslie Meyette of Lyman Russell Reynolds of 2 Jane Pittsfield were married yester day afternoon at the Congregational parsonage by Rev Swift or the present the couple will live at the of the bride's parents Lenox our Moro Hunters Succeed Getting Buchs Two Does Dec Game Warden Trod Zeigler was at Becket today investigating a report of a wounded deer being seen near Center lake additional kills were received making 90 for the two weeks They were: Harry Petithory of Pittsfield 160 pound buck at Washington Al bert 'Jenks ofi Dalton 150 pound doe at Earl Avenger' of Dalton 150 pound doe at Becket Joseph Goi vey of Pittsfield 180 p6und buck at Monterey I Williamstown Dec 16 Walter 16 SiVeets'of 24 rancis street North Adams and John Duncan of 303 State street of that city were arrested heic around 1230 this morning by State Patrolman Lyons and Albert Sheehan of Cheshire barracks and locked up on a charge ot drunkenness According to police a charge of oper ating an automobile while under the influence rote liquor will against Sweet Quality of Lives Involved Measures Matrimony Rev fW Treat Declares Westfield Dec Success of mar riage depends on the quality ot the lives involved not on any system or set of practical rules Rev Wolcott Treat declared in his sermon this morning at Church of the Atonement will not he said making your! marriage happier or more successful simply by putting two lumps of sugar' in your hus coffee instead of one or on the other band by being more gen erous with your wife difficulties can only be solved bv what you arc making of yourself what type of man or woman you arc actually forming what kind of per sonality you are able unconsciously 'to exhibit Christianity sticks to this fundamental obligation of every man woman and child the obligation of solving your problems by the fineness of your Arrested After Automobile Accident Adams Dec 1 Leopold Choquette of 120 Cliff street North Adams was locked up at Pittsfield last mgl state troopers from Cheshir racks after the automobile whh was driving toward Pittsfield struck tree In Berkshire The d'ent occurred near the apprea the over the Boston Albany railroad tracks Harvey Giroux and Orner Babeu of Glen avenue North snams were riding with Choquette: Accord ing to the Cheshire police a Charge of operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor may be placed against Choquette ishermen Are Arrested The state police under Corp II Thompson today started a drive against trespassers on A Haskins a pond in Savoy and arrested four Adams men who Were released on bail to appear in district court tomorrow morning The police issued a warti me that thev other persons found fishing through the ice orr the pond which i privatel owned Those arrested today Were: Alfred Klammer Of 94 riend street and his brother Max Percy Harrison of 81 Park Street and Philip Gazille ot 6 Water street They were charged with trespassing and fishing posted waters They also had a beautiful mess of nickerel RCSM'IL rUSKRAL HOME 3 85 91 STATE ST Springfiuld Mass "TVll! Present Comedy Wednesday Night at Woman' Clubhouse Dec Arrangements isave been completed for presentationArt the three act comedy nut by the Westfiekk as Angellna Greenleaf Lived Years at Pittsfield Pittsfield Dec 16 Mrs Angelina Greenleaf 70 wife of Rock Greenleaf dieil today of heart trouble at her home 176 Burbank street She was born in the province of Quebec andhad livejj Pittsfield rtO years She is survived besides her husband by six sons Robert of Chicopee George of Worcester Joseph Charles Henry and Louis of this city six daughters Airs Maria Greenleaf of Vancouver Mrs Peter Gelinas of Provident yftqj Joseph Halo and Mrs Joseph Nason of Worcester Airs Adolphus Gilbert and Airs Walter AVilbur of this city 32 grandchildren three great grand children' two brothers Joseph and Alfred Hogue and two sisters Airs David all of The Dame 830 anil burial will be cemetery Williamsburg Northampton Eastnampton Ashfield uneral Directors Pergonal Service Truck Driver Arrested David Powers of 155 Burbank street operator of a truck owned by Eng land Brothers was arrested last night on a charge of going away after an accident without making himself known He is alleged to have crash ed into a team driven by George Win ters near ther corner of Tyler street and avenue Leopold Cho quette of CUff street North Ad ams ivas arrested by Cheshire state troopers on a charge of drunkneness and he will be charged with operating while under the influence of liquor Meath of Mrs Emma 1 Kenworthy Airs Emma Jan? S3 yesterday at the home of her daughter AlrsSffiith Oliver 760 Tyler street She was born in the neigh boring town of Washington and had lived in Pittsfield nine years She was a member of the Methodist church of Old Chatham Yi The survivors' besides the daughter are one son Charles of East Orange "and two grandchildren The fu neral will bo held at the home Mon day afternoon at 1110 with ReV Wil liam Goodman officiating and burial will lie in Union cemetery Old Chat 1 ham' Ni iltyfo iSaveon Insurance Bills Thecity will save J4G74 every five years on its i insurance bills through the efforts of Alfred Daniels chairman of the board of public works Local agencies have received word from the New England ire In Suranc? exchange that the rate on buildings owned by the city is 40 cents per $100 as of October 2 1928 This represents a saving ot 19 cents on each: 5100 The amount ot durance carried by the city at present imc Is $2459975 Community orum Session Atty rancis Al AIcMahon presided at Community open forum in Unity parish house tonight The speaker was Prof John AJiller of the department of philosophy at Wil liams college Jay Rosenfeld had charge of the music which included a i group of solos by Airs Donald Cole man soprano with Aliss Winifred Rice as accompanist Oppose Salary Increaseq fleers of the have granted the the prii jlege of nurse whenever arise which will elated by the people ot this town The board of selectmen on Wednes day drew Samuel Johnson as a grand juror to servo during the en suing year and Patrick Murphy was drawn criminal open on Misses Sullivan a few days as the guest of Powell The Condition of James tlie only surviving veteran of the in town is now very his hom*o on Stockbridge Bethel Lodge InMais Enfield Dec 16 Yhe following cers of Bethel lodge ot Masons inRtallPd bv Rieht Wnrshinful Alorgan Ryther at the annual instala tion held riday evening: Worshipful master Charles Walker: senior warden Albert Richardson junior warden Alerton Pike treasurer John King secretary rederick Zap Pery junior deacon William calf senior steward Lester Hall junior steward Richard Jackson in side sentinel Jerome Robert Johnston The pointed officers will be later date: Chaplain Curtis' marshal senior deacon fStanwood King or ganist Homer Briggs Alisa Myrtle Heidel who teaches nt Blue Hill academy Blue Hill Me is spending Per Christmas vacation with her parents Air and Mrs Emil Heidel BRIMIELD Seniors In Hockey Cup Northampton Dec 1 6 The end the hockey season at Smith was mark ed by the award of a silver loving cup to the winning class team and the announcement of the All Smith hockey team The cup was won by the senior team with a score of 31 points The freshman team lost only by half a point with a total of 30 points The All Smith hockey team chosen from the outstanding players of all class teams follows: Polly Palfrew of Brook line Agnes Rodgers of Buffalo Jeanie Kerns of Newton Haideen Henderson of Stamfuid Ct Mailm Mclnnes of Philadelphia anny Curtis Boston Janet Mahony of Scarboro Eleanor Langdon ot Elmira A': Virginia A'each of Oil Barclay of New Emellne Shaffer of Janies Mother Contradicts nort Pneumonia Killed Him Dalton Dec A story in circula tion that James Todd a Dalton boy in the United States army and located at New had passed away with pneumonia was denied by his mother Mrs Grace Todd who lives at 92 John street James Todd before going to the army was employed at the plant of the Byron Weston company 77 ot 23 armington street South unpral private at funeral parlors at "tn Rev Eruce Drcnftiiller officiating Burinl In Village South In this city irth Nelson 4P husband of Christine IT 175 Phoenix terrace uneral from his home'Wednesday morning at followed by rc mj'Pm high mas in St Thomas's church at Burial in St cemeteryTORTNO At Unlvokc ymr old' aaujrhter of MrS' rthd rortvo ofJ3 Sargeant street uneral 'at funeral parlors Alonday af 2 Rev Robinson pfiiclatinxr Burial in orestdale ln this city Mrs Matilda idieux Shepard ct 7R7 Westfield street 5Vest Springfield uneral nt rhe home of son Eugene Shepard 7G3 Westfield 'Street Vft prtnxrfield Monoay at 1115 a followed by reqiliem hieh mass 'in St Thoftias churCh MittiiH'fi "lie ar 9 arm Tim' t6dy avH! be taken to Holyoke in charse of John Sheai for JCalyary cemetery Will Hear Views 'Tonight Mayor' WantsEvidence Kept Secret 7 Pittsfield Dec Thci city coun cil will go into executive session to night to hear the four ap praisers giveiheir opinions on theVulue of the Plunkett PadJock ullproperties to Jbc taken for a high School site The appraisers areCharles erry Henry Traver Jr Allen Bae? anti Daniel arrell Mayor Jay: Barnes mid City Solici "tor John Nixon Jr will state whattne owners regard as the value of the properties They have been rep resented itv their negotiations with the city by Atty Walter The city'nuthoritie feel that as the Lease may go to court in event of adisagreement the evidence submitted time sboul I notbe made pub hic After the executive 'session the two boards will meet separately and itthe councilmen are ready the figureswill be filled intoithe award orders and adopted sr City Solicitor Noxon has upneld City Clerk James Woods in his icontention 'that a two thirds vote is to pass 'the $10000 orderfor fees of the architects and other expenses of the high school commis stem It is expected the order will be'adopted tomorrow nisht by' sus pension of the rules "under a three fourths vote The full commission been asked td "attend jointsession A city pfficial familiaf 'witli the Tangement made by the three archi tects Leland Co Of Boston Henry Al 'l eaver and eter MelJiughliii' of this city rover the 'ffiivislon the iilgh school building fee says that the published statement 'that the Boston concern is to get 50 per cent each of ffho Pittsfield cent is entirely wrong He saysthat after all expenses are eliminated the three will divide the fee On an JMqual basis of the work be done at Boston Avhile' the general supervision will rest with PittsfUbl 'm'en' Therej are three in the Leland tirnl Thecity thinks there will be no further delay on account of the architect? TEACHERS TO GIVE PLAY Rev Pavy of Second Church Speaks of Effect of New Inventions Westfield Dec Rev mour Pavy preaching on "What Can Believe Church? Is It a Dead at the Second Congregational church this morning pointed out the gains made by the church in financial assets and yearly contributions increase in the church membership and improvement in the practical services rendered by the church He saw the stability and power of the church revealed in its ability to make gains in the face of tremendous competition and changed conditions Dealing with this point Rev Air Pavy said: inventions have entered the field as competitors of the church The automobile is one In 1914 we possessed 2000000 auto mobiles aqd in 1926 22000000 The automobile has made society more fluid more independent and less lo calized It has taken more' people away from church than it has taken to church The golf course is another competitor Since the war golf has grown in popularity by leaps and bounds A game of Sunday morning golf has frequently taken the place oY attendance at morning worship The radio is another In 1922 tie had 60000 radios and this year we will be using 7500000 The microphone preacher is the local great est competitor The radio preacher is robbing the local church of its wor shipers decreasing the interest of the parishioner in his local church and reducing church contributions urthermore the universal prosper ity of ovr country while being a blessing has also been a handicap We are the most prosperous nation in the world: 16188541 individuals having savings accounts which amount to $29000000000 The per capita sav ings for the country are $21 5 The per capita savings for Massachusetts stand at the top of the list AVhat does is a juror to court session January 21 at Elizabeth Bossidy of Springfield are PITTSIELD PERSONALS I'ittsfield Dec 16 Harry Holden of Dawes avenue and Arthur Burns of Alunroe street attended the annual Christmas banquet of Goodbody Co brokers in New York city Satur day AlO'int Holyoke college will begin its Christmas vacation AVedncsday Aliss Doris Ashe of 38 Northampton road and Aliss Jeanette Dickie ot 14 Pais ley terrace students at' the college will sfend the holiday at their homes Holy closed recess place street Mfntfronwrv morrow for civil service work in the Springfield post office positions given annually to college students Aliss Olive Glennon of New York is visiting her mother Airs Margaret Glennon of 195 rancis avenue A1r and'Alrs Qeorge O'Hara of New York are spending Christmas wltft relatives on Howard street uneral at the parlors Burial and thus Im body easy prey for Influ grip and pneumonia Even a cold authorities say ts dan Corps Election meeting of Scott Brad Women's Relief corps was held Jast week and Airs Ellen I De forest for years an active member of the corps and at present treasurer of the county organization was chosen president Airs Deorest suc ceeds Airs Alice Jones who was high ly commended at the meeting for her work the past year as president Other officers elected are: Senior vice president Airs Alice Jones treasurer Mrs lorence Swift: chap lain Airs Carrie Barber conductor Afrs Martha Heeox guard Mrs Louise etridge delegate to the de partment convention in April Mrs Cora Shultis alternate Mrs Martha Hecox The corps' annual Christmas tree and supper will be held Satur day the 22d in the relief Corps rbotns Airs Swift is in charge of the supper Airs Beach is chairman of the com mittee in charge of the tree and Mrs Deorest and Mrs Shultis have been delegated to distribute the Christmas baskets Legion Elects Ricard Driscoll ot Lenox Dale has Deen re elected commander of the American Legion for the coming year It will be his third term as post commander as he formerly held that office In the Lenox Dale post before his transfer to LeK He saw service with theA during the World war ollowing the business meeting of the post at which the election took place the Legionnaires mpt for dinner in the private dining room of the Cen tral lunch About 3Q were present The organization is giving up its quarters in the Baird Benton block effective January 1 1929 and is look ing for new rooms The post may hold njonthly meetings in the Central lunch's private dining room for the present Other officer of the Legion for 1929: A'ice John Bossidy: adjutant John Hayes past commander Stephenson treasurer Justin Deorest historian William Powers executive commit tee John Bossidy I Stephen son and AA'illiam A Clarke These officers will be installed at the' next regular Xieeting of the post which Will be held Tuesday evening Janu ary 15 1 A regular communication of Eve ning Star lodge of Masons will be held Tuesday evening at 730 in the Masonic rooms AVilliani Shaughnessy of Center street has been drawn as grand juror fort the January sitting of the su perior court which opens in PittsfieldJanuary 14 While there is no cause for alarm at this time health authorities extra precautions csprol illy when grippy colds pneumonia influenza are so prevalent 946 Join Red Cross Dalton's response to the Re 1 Cross membership drive was 916 members Richard I' Pender was chairman of the general committee and 40 people were employed in the drive A large audience listened to the singing of Christmas carols tonight at the Methodist church by 40 voices of the South Congregational church choir of Pittsfield under the supervision of Anthony Rees With the approach of town meetingin ebruary Harry Tower is the first to announce he is a candidate He seeks re election for the office of tax collecter The annual Christmas party of the Modern Priscilla club will be held on Tuesday at 230 at the home ot Airs John Anthony of 251 Main street Georgia A Browning Tul' a A Pomeroy Henry Aloody and Edwin Ochampaugh world service Com mittee of the Congregational church have completed raising the budget The annual meeting and supper of the chvrch parishioners will be held on January 3 The Methodists will hold Christmas services by the Sunday school next Sunday evening' Tlie Christmas tree with gifts to the childreij will be the following Monday night Rev Timberlake having re covered from an illness occupied his pulpit this morning at the irst Con gregational church and preached on Value Has the Bible for To The annual white Christmas tree program was held this afternoon at 5 AV Camcron of the government mill is leaving for Washington Dan iel Callahan has received the ap pointment Of acting superintendent He has bee i in the federal service at the crane mills for 27 years Miss Esther Tower is home from the Carnegie Institute of Technology a' Miss Winnif Jeffers rank Shea Miss Katherine Mur phy rank Gates Edward Ila lev and Miss Alarguerite Young The committee in charge is the educational committee of the associa tion ahd consists of Arthur Bieg red Scott" Aliss Louise Wade Miss Grace icKCtt Aliss lorence Ma honey and Hazel Boyer This will be the first event of the current season of the association The play will be presented under the direction of Airs Hawley who has been coaching lhe cast Dancing will fol low the play ITALIAN COUNT GUEST CORTLANDT BISHOP 4 1 Art Authority Who Exposed ake Antiques Consultingon New York Auction Pittsfield" Dec Count Luigi Grassi grand officer of the crown of Italy and an authority' on Italian art and sculpture is the guest of Air and Airs Cortlandt ield Bishop at the Winter palace at Lenox He has come (0 consult with Air Bishop regarding works of art which are soon to be auctioned at the American Art gal leries The count recently discovered and exposed spurious pieces ot' sculpture which for several vears have been designed and sent out "bv an Italian sculptor 1 Bishop and his guest this afternoon Giuseppe accioli of 81 East Housatonic street Air accioli is chief consulting engineer at the Pitts field works General Electric company At the close of the present season Air Bishop is to consolidate the American and Anderson galleriesboth of 'Which lie owns in the American building Accident Occurs at Junction' of River and Houghton Streets North Adams Dec 16 Angelo Scavo 35 of 52 Veazie was treated by Dr LCurran for in juries received about'midnight when an automobile driven by his brother Joseph A Scavo of 51 Chestnut street and in which the former was a pas senger "was struck' by another ma chine operated by Albert A Maroni of Readsboro Vt According to the police report Scavo's injuries are such that he will undergo ray treatment His wife Mrs Jessie Scavo who was also In the automobile was badly shaken up Scavoj the driver reported that lie was turning the corner at the inter section of River and Houghton streets to go westward When the Maroni ma chine hit him broadside Scavo's car was badly damaged Boy Runs Against Automobile William Gay six year old son of Police Officer and Mrs Howard Gay of 489 Union street narrowly escaped serious injury Saturday when he ran into an automobile operated by Charles Whalen of 25 Meadow street this city Mr Whalen was driving east ward on Mohawk Trail a short dis tance from the child's home when the latter ran into the machine and bruised his elbow Whalen turned his car away from the boy in time to avoid a serious accident Reath of Cornelius Cornelius O'Brien of 146 Prospect street died riday night at the Peter Brigham Bent hospital in Boston fol lowing about a month's illness The body was brought to this city last night and the funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 at St rancis church: Burial will be in the Calvery cemetery at Greenfield Mr O'Brien was born in Ireland and came to this country when a boy He was a resi dent of Greenfield for many years and came to North Adams 20 years ago at which time he was employed in hotels here Until his recent ill ness Mr O'Brien had been employed In the folding department of Windsor Print works He was a member of the Greenfield division of Hibernians The survivors are his widow and one son Henry O'Brien of New York city Death of Mrs Bridget McLlndon Airs Bridget AIcLindon widow of Charles McLlndon formerly of Schuylerville and for the past three months a resident of this city died at 5 this morning at the home of her niece Airs Edward Buckley of 83 East Quincy street She had been ill two months Mrs McLlndon was born in County Longford Ire and came to this country about 50 years ago Health Sale Seals Under 1927 Chester Dec 16 The total sales of health seals at the present time stands at $8460 This is slightly under 60 per cent of the amount turned in last year at the end of the drive It 18 hoped that returns as yet unmade will' bring this year's sum up to that of last year's The Chester High school basketball team will play two games during the week On Tuesday evening Cathedral High of Springfield will play at Chester and on riday night the local hoys will compete with the West Springfield High school on the court To date Chester has won the three games in which they have played Beniamin Bryant and daughter Elizabeth of Springfield spent Sun day at their cottage the Miss Hilda Hanninen a member of the senior class at Simmons college Is home for the Christmas recess The Annual instalatlon of officers for the Eastern Star will be held Wednesday night at Odd ellows hall A dike is being thrown up by the Boston Albany railroad along the west bank of the Westfield river bordering on the land of John Chalmers and Peter Jolly This will replace a similar one washed out by the flood of a year ago Howard Knott of Boston was a Sunday visitor of local friends Bernard Battles of Russell was a recent guest of his mother Mbs Teresa Battles The senior class at the high school will hold a food sale on riday at the school gymnasium The sale opens at 230 The proceeds of the sale will be added to their Washington trip fund The school committee will hold their monthly meeting tomorrow eve ning Nurses Pearl Palmer and Alaybelle Turner of the East Granby Ct and Suffield Ct teaching staffs spent the week end at their respective homes The schools will close riday for the Christmas holidays little gerous unless checked at once safe plan Is to check every cold at the start by a vigorous application of Vicks Vapollub rubbed on throat and chest at bedtime 1 Act 2 Ways at Ones or hours after Vicks is applied its ingredients tlme tcated remedies such as camphor menthol eucalyp tus thyme and turpentine are re leased as vapors by body heat and inhaled direct to the infected air passages loosening the phlegm and easing the difficult brei thing At the same time Vicks acts through the skin like a poultice out" tightness and pain 5' Avolda Children Mothers for children and often MASS AGRllLLTURAL COLLEGE Amherst De? 16 While students and co cds alike were grinding for final exa'mlnatic'nf the tribe of the Mttawampe composed of the mem bers of the college facility was hold ing Its "ijniial trek and banquet Sat urday the tribe left fort'AIt Toby at 1230 and led by Chiefs 'Van Meter and Verbock treked over the moun tain Stopping nt the faculty cabin near the summit for coffee and doughnuts They then went down the other side to the Sunderlind pariah house where iindcv the of Mrs Woodbury ths women of the parish house served a banquet After the banquet Prof Loomis gai nn illustrated talk on Patagonia 4 She will go Saturday to visit at the home nephew Allen II Boardman SMITH COLLEGE Al iss terday and told books by Christmas present from her children of Hinsdale are the bird flower and animal books which are beautifully illustrated William Wa181i who is with an air ways corporation ot Springfield spent the week end at his home on Main street Patrick Conroy of Longview avenue is visiting his sister at Rochedale TKe Daughters bf Isabella received communion in a body this morning at St church Mr and Mrs John Downs of Pitts field have rented the house belonging to Thomas Kelly at the corner of Church street and Longview ave nue The annual Christmas party of the Monday evening club will be held to morrow night at the home of Mrs George of Goodrich street 8 WEST STOCKBRIDGE The wound which was voted leave to withdraw on the peti tions for salary increases of City Treasurer red At Platt and City Auditor Harry Hutchinson from $2500 to $3000 On salaries com mnttcc Alderman 1 Mark Smith Attractive Ceremony at Home of Parents Rev Burckes Officiat ing "Worthington Dec 16 A wedding of interest in this and surrounding towns took place yesterday afternoon at 230 at the home of Mr and Mrs Horace Cole when their daughter Miss Anna Elizabeth Cole became the bride of George Torrey Jr son of Mr and Airs George Torrey of Chesterfield The ceremony was per formed by Rev James Burckes of Worthington In the living room un der an arch of laurel and small yel low chrysanthemums the double ring service being used wedding march was played by Miss Josephine Hewitt The attendants Miss Elizabeth Torrey of Ches terfield sister of the grbom and Wal do Cole of Stamford Ct brother of the bride Leland Cole Jr a nephew ot the bride was ring bearer The servers were Miss Millicent Salmon Miss Katherine Bossen and the Misses Alildred and Eleanor Par sons Small yellow chrysanthemums were used throughout in the decora tion of the house The bride wore a gown of toast brown silk georgette and carried large oronze chrysanthemums The maid of honor wore a silk georgette gown of turquoise blue and carried an arm bouquet of large yellow chrysanthe mums The and groom's gift to each other was a ord coupe The gift to her maid ot hnnor was a crys tal necklace to the ring hearer a sil ver penknife to the pianist an ivory flower pin and to the four server gold compacts The groom's gift to the best man was a pair of silver armlets ollowing the ceremony a reception was held for relatives neighbors and many old friends of the family A buffet lunch was served The traveling costume was of pencil blue silk with black hat and coat Upon their return from their wedding trip the couple will make their home Worthington at the home ot the parents where they will be at home to their friends after the 21st Aliss Cole has been supervisor of music in the schools of AA orthington and Chesterfield for the past five years Mr Torrey has assisted bis father in the care of a large farm Guests were present form Chester field Rrltrhtnn Dorchester Cf rs 1 1 erfi A 1A lyUmrnjiiKwu Pittsfield Holyoke Huntington Need ham Storrs Ct and Batavia 'DIED zBARNES Tn this city 14th "Mrs Lucie Sfemrs 49 wife of Joshua Barnes of Hubbard avenue uneral serlc at Byron fincral horn 6M State street (Monday atj Qtrtotte 33 wife of red Guyotte of gfm Burial In Oak Grove cemetery In eUy 14th 7 son of rank and Mary Ifrooks nf 27 Hubbard avenue uneral serv from funeral home bratMonday At 3 Burial hi Oak throve cemetery At Holyok iGth Alfred iKnils of 114 rrovvn avenue Kuneral at hams Tuesday at 230 Iv AV Dar officiating Burial In lalone N1 At North Grifton pfalr Cleaves 07 uneral service at Grahams ehiipel 37 29 Howard street Monday at 2 Burial in Woodlawn cemetery East ijragmea dow ij At Holyoke 16th Helen (Brack tMn) Groen wife of William Green of 156 Chestnut street uneral from the John Ur 6h6a funeral parlors Wednesday at 7 Solemn high mass of reouiem in chapel at 9 a Burial in St Jrome cemetery In this ch) widow of Jaires 8 ot the Dicktnson StreetAr ropnnyjS 3o7 StateMirvet at Uiirlal In Uetflter 'cemcterj Mas Hobart At noiyote hospital wih tfcnlv RoyT 47 Granby InSrl services be held tTutday afternoon at 3 Burial in jjsest cemetery Granby At Clifcopec 15th Myra im ls wife of rank Howard or hinruioo 114 i £ie Dlckinson Sireetr company tat strt Wednesday at 3 nx i nak Grove KEANlAt 16tli Jrb A it 125 Waldo street uneral from hom*o ffueaday at 830a High mass of re tiiem In Holy Cross church at 9 a Bur fel will be lnSt Jerome's cetnetery 2 LA At Westfield 14th Charles Sa Cour 73 uneral from the home 81 Hill street West Springfield Monday at 81 high mass at St Louis church Burial Jn St cemetery In this 15th Mrs Margaret jUartin 82 wldv of William of 107 JMigh street ifflerM at'Byr'in's funeral Rome 684 State street Monday at 815 a in? Hiltti mass of recpiiein at St Michael's catne jgral at 9 a Burial in St Thomas cenie eiy West Springfield In this oty tfitfil SaHle Stason 52 wife pf WiBiatn Mason of 'Edendale slrtef uneral at the 'home JVedneeday at 2 Burial in Center cem ifetery Ludlow Mass Middlefield De 15 Among successful deer hunters this season were Daniel leming who shot a deer at Washington and Ralph who got a nine point btick weighing 232 pounds near his home A Ralph Bell Sr has been spending a few days with relatives at Westerly Mrs Alderman left Aliddlefleld Saturday to spend a few months with her son George Aiderman at BV et iy Misses Helen Whitacher and the state grans waciLr Tl Cutter president of Hamnshire Countv arm bureau Was at Middlefield this week securing memberships in the organization 1 at the AVoman's Clubhouse Wednesday evening at 8 The casteludes the following: Airs Clara Davis Aliss Anna Nelson Stanley THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLIC AN SPRINGIELD ASS: MONDAY DECEMBERS? 1928 this mean to the church? It means that people can buy what they want and go where they choose It means that we are re enacting the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler went away sorrowful for he baa gf eat possessions" Janies Johnson 65 Dies James Johnson 65 was found dead at Little River village this afternoon Johnson apparently died from a neni orrage He lived tlie life of a i cltxse in a shack in the Little J1'01 section and for a number ot years had been employed by various farmers in that section It was known that he was in 111 health and it is believed that he wag going to one of the farmers homes for nid when he was stricken The body was viewed by ATcdical Ex aminer Edward Smith ewer Deer Killed Unless the final checkup deer killed reveals a greater number thn has been ascertained daily during tho past two weeks tlie record of local hunters will fall tar behind thnU ln former years Huntsmen declare that the deer became frightened after tho first few days of the open season and it was next to impossible to locate one the past week Legion Party Tonight Tho American Legion is to have a Christmas party tomorrow night at the headquarters on Broad street The entertainment committee of which Arthur Tierney is chairman is in charge ot arrangements There will be a tree exchange of gifts and refresh ments will be served State and county officers have been Invited and will be tendered an informal dinner before the party The monthly meeting of the izaak AValton league will be held tomorrow night at the Park Square hotel Tbe regular business session will follow a supper at 630 The members will dis cuss a questionnaire sent to them re garding proposed changes in license fees and bag limits The prizes forth membership contest which has been extended to tbe January meeting will be on exhibition Christmas party will be held by Alotliers' club 'of the Baptist church at the' Alemorial building on Tuesday evening There will be a tree gifts and refreshments The auxiliary of the Sons 'of A6t erans will hold' a Christmas party nt Sons of hall tomorrow night An entertainment is planned and there will be a tree and gifts each member being requested to bring one There will be a meeting Of share holders ot the' field Co operative bank tomorrow night The Intermediate Christian En deavor society of the Baptist church will have a Christmas party at the home of Charles Murray 16 Central street tomorrow evening 1 Westfield grange will have a Christ mas party at its hall tomorrow night for members and their children bers are asked to bring small gifts for the tree The Art club of the Normal "school will have a sale of painted gift boxes lamp shades leather novelties and tinted Christmas cards tomorrow and Tuesday Erwin A Shepard will appear in tbe district court tomorrow' morning charged with violation of the traffic laws AVilliam ahey of IS Mayall road AValtliant is charged with hunt ing without a license hnd he will be arraigned tomorrow morning The Westfield grange will hold its annual Christmas party Monday night at Hubbard hall All attending tno requested to bring a 10 cent present.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.