Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 -- Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science (2024)

[This article was first published on Econometrics and Free Software, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)

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Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 -- Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science (1)

Nix is not only a package manager, but also a build automation tool, and you canuse it to build polyglot data science pipelines in a completely reproducibleway.

For example, suppose that you need to mix Python, R and maybe some others toolsfor a project (by the way, some believe this will become the norm in the comingyears, use your favourite search engine to look for “polyglot data science” andyou’ll see), and suppose that you want to define your project as a nicereproducible pipeline, and not simply a series of scripts. What are the optionsavailable to you?

One option would be to use the {targets} package for R, which allows you to dolay out your project as pipeline. But as amazing as {targets} is, it onlyworks with R. If you also need Python, you would then need to also use the{reticulate} package to interface with it. But what do you do if you need someother command line tools? Well, you could wrap them in an R function usingsystem() or system2(). But what if you need yet another language, likeJulia? There might be a way to call Julia from R, but as you see, the morediverse tools you need, the more complex it gets. And it doesn’t really matterif you switch from {targets} to another such package that exists for, say,Python, you would always need to write wrappers or use packages that allow youto call the other programming languages that you need.

Another possibility is to use good old make. make is a tool from the GNUproject that allows you to define targets, which would be the outputs of ascript or call to some cli tool by writing so-called Makefiles. For an exampleof a Makefile in research, take a look at thisone froma paper byGrant McDermott. You can use make as a toorchestrate several programming languages or cli tools, but you will need towrite code to pass data from one script to the other. {targets} deals withthat transparently by serialising all the targets’ outputs using saveRDS()but this only works because only R is supported. But if you’re trying to makeR, Python, and whatever else work together, you will need to deal with thismanually and find a common interface to pass data around.

Despite this, using make, or some other tool on top of the required programminglanguages (and not tied to either one), is likely the best solution and it turnsout that Nix can be used just like that! But why use Nix and not make then?Well, using Nix guarantees that whatever you produce will be completelyreproducible. With make, you would need to either run it inside a Docker imageor… inside a development environment built with Nix! I did something similarin this blog postwhere I ran a {targets} pipeline inside a Nix environment to make the analysisreproducible.

But if I’m already defining a reproducible development environment using Nix,why not go all the way and build a complete project using Nix? After all, Nixallows you to package software and what is software but 0’s and 1’s? Andwhat is a trained model, a paper or report in the PDF format, predictionsexported into a CSV file, etc, if not 0’s and 1’s?

Just like with any other build automation tool, Nix will only rebuild theproject if something changes, and will only rebuild the parts that need to berebuilt. So if you change a file somewhere, only whatever depends on this filewill get rebuilt, just like with {targets}, or make.

In the following repositoryyou can find an example of this.

This is a very simple project: two functions are defined in script. These functions are nothing special, and could beused interactively. One function reads a .csv file from the Internet andreturns it, the other does some basic cleaning. Here are these two functionsincluded in the file:

from pandas import read_csvdef download_iris(iris_csv_url): # Read the CSV file df = read_csv(iris_csv_url) return dfdef process_iris(iris_csv_path): # Read the CSV file df = read_csv(iris_csv_path) # Replace the species numbers with their corresponding names species_mapping = {0: "setosa", 1: "virginica", 2: "versicolor"} df['species'] = df['species'].replace(species_mapping) return df

Then, I want to use {ggplot2} to plot this data. You will notice the lack of Rscript in the repo. I did this on purpose, because I wanted to show how youcould directly write R code inside of a Nix expression. But in practice, it isbetter to have Python code in a Python script, R code in an R script, and thenuse Nix to orchestrate the whole thing. But I just wanted to show you that youcould, if you wanted to, have a completely self-contained Nix expression thatencapsulates the business logic as well.

There’s also a .Qmd file: this is the file that will get compiled into a PDFdocument, and is the output of the whole project. It could be anything else! AsI stated above, this is just 0’s and 1’s so it could very well be some otheroutput, it doesn’t really matter.

Let’s now take a look at the default.nix that builds the whole thing. Let’sstart by the top-level definitions:

let pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") { }; tex = ( pkgs.texlive.combine { inherit (pkgs.texlive) scheme-small; } ); # Because building happens in sandbox that cannot connect to the internet # we need to download assets beforehand iris_path = pkgs.fetchurl { url = ""; hash = "sha256-2H6THCXKxIt4yxnDDY+AZRmbxqs7FndCp4MqaAR1Cpw="; }; # Common python dependencies to use in my intermediary inputs pythonEnv = pkgs.python312.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pandas ]); # Common python sources python_src = pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./; };

Some variables are defined there:

  • pkgs: this is the set of Nix packages to be used. All the dependencies ofthe project will get built using the Nix expressions available in thenixpkgs Github repository at a specific commit. This ensures that the outputof this expression will always be exactly the same.
  • tex: defines the set of LaTeX packages I need to compile the PDF.
  • iris_path: the Python function I use to load the data takes a path, or url,to read the iris dataset. Because building a derivation happens in a sandbox,I need to download assets beforehand. This is what the fetchurl functiondoes. I can then refer to the file path using ${iris_path} later on.
  • pythonEnv: This lists the dependencies I will need to run my Pythonfunctions.
  • pythonSrc: Defines the path to the file.

Then, I want to call each of my functions separately, and I want them to producea single output. So for this, I now build a derivation, one per output. I startwith the first one:

downloadCsv = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "download-csv"; buildInputs = [ pythonEnv ]; src = pythonSrc; buildPhase = '' python -c "import pandas as pdfrom python_functions import download_irisiris_raw = download_iris('${iris_path}')iris_raw.to_csv('iris_raw.csv', index=False) " ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp iris_raw.csv $out/ ''; };

At first sight, there might seem that a lot is going on, but let’s take a closerlook:

  • first I give it a name: name = "download-csv"
  • second, I list its dependencies in buildInputs. This is what’s required tobuild the target!
  • then, I provide the source, in this case the file

Then, I need to run the code, and this is what happens in the buildPhase. Thisis exactly the code you would write if you were using a script to glue yourfunctions together. See how I use ${iris_path} to refer to the path to thefile defined above. Finally, in the installPhase I copy the .csv file to$out/, which essentially copies the file into the Nix store, making itavailable for the next derivations.

In the next derivation, I now use the second Python function to clean the data:

cleanCsv = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "clean-csv"; buildInputs = [ pythonEnv ]; src = pythonSrc; buildPhase = '' python -c "import pandas as pdfrom python_functions import process_irisiris = process_iris('${downloadCsv}/iris_raw.csv')iris.to_csv('iris.csv', index=False) " ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp iris.csv $out/ ''; };

This is not very different than what I did before. Just notice how I refer tothe output of the first derivation: ${downloadCsv}/iris_raw.csv.

Now comes the last intermediary derivation, the one that uses R to create aplot:

generatePlot = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "generate-plot"; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ R rPackages.ggplot2 rPackages.janitor ]; dontUnpack = true; buildPhase = '' Rscript -e " library(ggplot2) library(janitor) iris <- read.csv('${cleanCsv}/iris.csv') |> clean_names() |> transform(species = as.character(species)) p <- ggplot(iris, aes(x = sepal_length, y = sepal_width, color = species)) + geom_point(size = 3) + labs(title = 'Sepal Length vs Sepal Width', x = 'Sepal Length', y = 'Sepal Width') + theme_minimal() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) ggsave('plot.png', plot = p, width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 300) " ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp plot.png $out/ ''; };

As I said above, to make this better, it would need to be a function defined inits own R script, as this way there’s a nice separation of concerns. On onehand, there’s the business logic in Python and R scripts, and on the otherthere’s the orchestration in Nix. Putting R code in the Nix expression makesthis less flexible, but I wanted to show you that this is also a possibility!

Now comes the last part of the Nix expression, the actual thing I want to build,a PDF that uses the generated plot as an input:

in# Derivation to generate the PDF report from Markdownpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "generate-report"; buildInputs = [ pkgs.quarto tex ]; src = pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource { root = ./.; # Only include report.Qmd in the source fileset = ./report.Qmd; }; buildPhase = '' cp ${generatePlot}/plot.png . # Deno needs to add stuff to $HOME/.cache # so we give it a home to do this mkdir home export HOME=$PWD/home quarto render report.Qmd --to pdf ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp report.pdf $out/ '';}

Notice the dependencies of this derivation: quarto and tex (tex is thevariable I defined right at the beginning that lists LaTeX packages). I thenneed to specify report.Qmd as the source of this derivation, and copy the plotgenerated before in R into the working/build directory. There’s also aidiosyncrasy where a dependency of Quarto, Deno, needs to have a directory tosave some stuff in it. Nix being Nix, we need to manually define such a homedirectory for reproducibility purposes. If it would be using my home/directory on my machine, this wouldn’t be reproducible! We finish thebuildPhase by rendering the document, and then install it into $out/. Tobuild this project, you need to have Nix installed and then type nix-build,or alternatively, nix-build -Q which hides all the output of the build phases(so you don’t see any warnings or messages thrown by either Python or R).

This will build the PDF, which you can then find in the Nix store. You’ll noticea file called result appear next to all your other files from the project. Ina terminal, call readlink result and this will show you the path to thegenerated PDF, which you can now read!

In conclusion, I think that this is a really useful way to orchestrate codewritten in different programming languages, but I would not use this formonolingual projects. For R, I’ll keep using {targets} together with a Nixshell to ensure reproducibility. Also, to really benefit from this, your codeneeds, ideally, to be written as a series of functions, each outputting a singleobject. Instead, if you write a script to orchestrate the whole thing in R orPython, and then put a Nix expression on top of it, I’m not sure it’s reallyworth it. Might as well just use a Nix shell then and execute your scripts init.

Also, let me state that this is my first attempt at using Nix for such apurpose, and there might be a better/more elegant way of doing it, so if youhave any input, don’t hesitate!

Thanks to the amazing Nix community for helping out!

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Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 -- Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science (2)Buy me an Espresso


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Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 -- Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.