PS - EM - · 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (2024)

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (1)


1 . Heat

12 Mark Questions :

1. How much energy is required to rise the temperature of unit mass of substance(material) by 1oC ?

A. Energy equal to its specific heat.

2. Why does water on the floor disappear after sometime ?

A. Due to evaporation

3. Write the S.I. unit for specific heat.


Ki ram kelvinlog

4. How much energy is required to turn 1g of ice of 0oC into 1 g of water at 0oC ?

A. 80 cal

5. Which material will gain more heat ?

A. The material with more specific heat value.

6. Convert 30oC to kelvin scale.

A. 30 + 273 = 303 K

7. Convert 70oC to kelvin scale.

A. 70 + 273 = 343 K

8. What is the principle of method of mixtures ?

A. Net heat lost = Net heat gained.

9. Melting point of ice in kelvin scale ?

A. 273 K

10. Boiling point of water in kelvin scale ?

A. 100oC + 273 = 373 K

11. What happens the kinetic energy of molecule in substance if temperature is increases ?

A. Kinetic energy increases

12. If a solid is heated the temperature versus heat supplied graph is shown below.

Choose the correct.

i) OA – Specific heat of solid.

ii) AB – Latent heat of fusion

iii) BC – Specific heat of a liquid

iv) CD – Latent heat of vapourisation.

A) i B) ii, iii, iv C) ii, iv D) i, iv

A. C


PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (2)


13. m1 and m2 are two masses at the temperature T1 and T2 respectively. If they aremixing, what is the resultant temperature ?

A.m T m T

m m1 1 2 2

1 2

14. Statement A : Heat is added to a substance during melting and boiling.

Statement B : Heat is removed from a substance during freezing and liquification.

Choose the correct.

A) Both A and B are true B) A is true but B is falseC) A is false, B is true D) Both A and B are false

A. A

15. On what factor rise in temperature are specific heat of substance depends ?

A. Nature of substance.

16. What is freezing point of water at one atmospheric pressure ?

A. 0oC or 273 K

17. What behaves like heat store house for the earth ?

A. The oceans

18. From the diagram given below the conclusions from the activity are

i) Water gains energy white oil loses energy

ii) After sometime reading of 'A' is more and B is less.

iii) Initially thermometer reading of 'A' is less and'B' is more.

iv) K.E of the molecules of water decreases while the K.E of the molecules of increases.

A) (i) and (iv) B) (ii) and (iii) C) ii, iii, iv D) All

A. C

19. Write the factors effeting the boiling.

A. Pressure and temperature

20. What is reason for climate near the seashore moderate ?

A. Sea breezes

1 Mark Questions :

1. What are the conditions for transfer of heat energy ?

A. 1. Two bodies should have difference in temperature.

2. There is thermal contact with each other.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (3)


2. How can you differentiate temperature from heat ?

A. Heat is a thermal energy that flows from hot body to cold body. Temperature is measure ofhotness or coldness of body.


Temperature decides direction of heat flow, whereas heat is energy itself that flows.

3. Why do we prefer water as a coolant ?

A. Due to high specific heat value of water, it can take more time to heat itself and act as acoolant.

4. Write the factors that effect the process of evaporation.

A. Surface area, wind speed, humidity and temperature

5. What is meant by thermal equillibrium ?

A. Two bodies are at the same temperature then they are said to be in thermal equillibrium.

6. Why does ice float on water ?

A. The density of ice is less than that of water. Water contracts on freezing. So ice floats on water.

7. Why do we feel sultryness during summer ?

A. During hot days in summer the humidity is more, so, evaporation of sweat decreases.Therefore we feel sultryness.

8. The specific heat of copper is 0.075 and kerocene is 0.50. Then which will be heated upfast ?

A. Copper will be heated up fast.

9. What happens to the surroundings if condensation takes place ?

A. The surroundings get hated up if condensation takes place.

10. What are the material required in order to find specific heat of soild ?

A. Calorimeter, thermometer, stirrer, water, steam heater, wooden box and lead shots.

11. Express the C.G.S unit of specific heat Cal

g - Co into S.I unit ?

A. 4.186 x 103 J

Kg K.

12. What happens during change of state ?

A. 1. Temperature and avarage K.E of substance remain same.

2. Total internal energy and potential energy of substance changes.

13. 10g of ice at 0oC is mixing with 10 g of water at 60oC. What is the resultanttemperature ?

A. 0oC

Sol :- Q1 = mL = 10 x 80 = 800 Cal

Q2 = mST = 10 x 60 = 600 Cal

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (4)


14. What amount of ice can be melted by 4800 cal of heat ?

A. Q = mL

4800 = m x 80

m = 4800

80 = 60gms

2. Acids, Bases And Salts

12 Mark Questions :

1. Non-metalic oxides dissolve in water to form ........ ?

A. Acids

2. Which gas is evolved, when zinc reacts with dilute HCl ?

A. Hydrogen

3. Which ion is formed, when water molecule accepts a proton ?

A. H3O+

4. CH3COOH is a weak acid due to..........

A. The ionisation is very low in aqueous solution.

5. Which of the following PH value is zero ?(Strong acid/ strong base / weak acid/ weak base)

A. Strong acid

6. I am the scientist, introduced the concept of PH. WHo am I ?

A. Sorensen

7. Which tablets are used to neutralise acidity in the stomach ?

A. Antacid

8. Acidity of the soil is reduced by adding.........

A. Lime

9. Which is the basic nature (lemon juice/ gastric juice/ aerated water/ blood)

A. Blood

10. A solution reacts with crushed egg shells to give a gas that turn lime water milky, thesolution contains _______

A. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

11. What is the chemical name of the bleaching powder is _______ ?

A. Calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl2)

12. Write the common name of sodium hydroxide ?

A. Caustic soda.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (5)


13. The components of baking powder are ____

A. NaHCO3 and tartraic acid [COOH (CHOH)2 COOH]

14. How many number of water molecules present in the gypsum ?

A. 2

15. Which substances used to the preparation of statues and black board chalk is ___

A. Plaster of paris

16. Which colour is formed, when phenophthalein indicator is added to NaOH solution ?

A. Pink

1 Mark Questions :1. What are the olfactory indicators ?

A. Olfactory indicators are substances which have different odour in acid and base solution.

2. Given reason, while diluting an acid, why is it recommended that the acid should beadded to water and not water to the acid ?

A. So much heat is produced during the dilution process.

3. What is the main reason of acidic nature in acidic solution ?

A. H+ ions, the strength of acidic nature depends upon number of H+ ions

4. Why does solutions behave as electrolytes ?

A. In solution contains H+ ions/ H3O+ ions / OH– ions.

5. Some non-metals burn in air and forms their oxides. Give two examples.

A. C + O2 CO2

S + O2 SO2

6. What is nuetralization reaction ?

A. Acid reacts with base to form salt and water is known as nuetralisation reaction.

7. Which acid contains in ants ?

A. Formic acid

8. Why pickles are not stored in metalic vessels ?

A. They react metals and form poisonous substances

9. Which gas is liberated when carbonates react with acids ?

A. Carbondioxide (CO2)

10. Write any two uses of bleaching powder.

A. i) Used for disinfecting water.

ii) Preparation of chloroform.

11. What chemical substance is used in making cake or bread soft and spongy ?

A. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3)

12. Why pure acetic acid does not turn blue litmus to red ?

A. Pure acetic acid not containing the H+ ions.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (6)


3. Refraction of Light at Plane Surface

Objective questions :

1. What is refraction ?

A. The bending of light ray when light travels from one medium to another medium is calledrefraction.

2. On which factors refractive index depends ?

A. Refractive index depends on 1. Nature of material

2. Wavelength of light used

3. How n12 and n21 are differ each other ?

A. n12 = n


2 =



1n21 =



1 =




4. What is the relation between refractive index and vertical shift of a glass slab ?

A. Refractive index = Thicknessof the glassslab

Thicknessof glassslab Vertical shift

5. At _________ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90o.

A. Critical

6. During refraction __________ will not change.

A. Frequency

7. The net deviation produced by a rectangular glass slab is

A) Equal to angle of incidenceB) Greater than angle of incidenceC) Zero, always

A. A

8. A : If light travel from water to air, ray of light bends away from the normal.R : Light travels slowly in denser medium.

(i) A is correct, R ia wrong(ii) A is wrong, R is correct(iii) Both A, R are correct

A. Both A, R are correct

9. I am an axiom and I strictly followed by refraction of light. Who am I ?

A. Fermat principle

10. Diamond : Total internal reflection : : Twinkling of stars : _________

A. Refraction

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (7)


11. Match the following

i) V


2( ) a)

Sin i

Sin r

ii) Sin c ( ) b) n12

iii) V


1( ) c)


nA) i - c, ii - b, iii - aB) i - a, ii - c, iii - bC) i - b, ii - a, iii - c

A. i - a, ii - c, iii - b

12. Ravi wrote snell's law as nn


2 =

sin isin r

and Rani wrote it as nn


2 =

sin rsin i . Who is correct ?

A. Rani is correct

13. What is the principle involved in working of the following device.

A. Total internal reflection.

14. When light ray travel from denser medium to rarer medium, the relation between 'r'and 'i' isA) r = i B) r > i C) r < i

A. B) r > i

15. If the critical angle is 45o, what is the refractive index ?

A. 2 = 1.414.


Observe the figure and write the nature of A, B media.

A. A - Denser

B - Rarer

17. Light enter from air to diamond which has R.I of 2.42. Calculate the speed of light indiamond, if speed of light in air is 3 x 108 m/s.

A. n = C


V = 3 1082 42.

= 1.24 x 108 m/s

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (8)


Very Short Answer Questions

1. What is Fermat's principle ?

A. The light ray always travels in a path which needs shortest possible time to cover the distancebetween the two given points.

2. What is mirage ?

A. An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet ofwater in a desert or on a not road caused by refraction of light from the sky by heated air.

3. What are the conditions for total internal reflection ?

A. 1. The ray of light must travel from denser to rarer medium.

2. The angle of incident of denser medium must be greater than critical angle.

4. Why a coin placed in water appear to be raised ?

A. It is due to refraction of light.

5. A ray of light falls normally on a face of a glass slab. What are the values of angle ofincidence and angle of refraction of this ray ?

A. Both angles are zero, means it comes out without any deviation.

6. What is relationship between angle of incidence and shift ?

A. As the angle of incidence increases, the shift also increases.

7. You are given kerosene, ice and water. In which of these does the light travel faster ?

A. The light travels faster as its refractive index is minimum. Hence light travels faster in ice.

8. Why does a diamond shine more than a glass piece cut to the same shape ?

A. The critical angle of a diamond is very low compared to glass piece. Hence light ray enters adiamond is very likely to under go total internal reflection, which makes the diamond shine.

9. Name the colour of light for which critical angle is minimum and maximum ?

A. Violet minimum

Red maximum

10. Why dispersion of light cannot be observed in a glass slab ?

A. After refraction at two parallel faces of a glass slab, a ray of light emerges in a direction parallelto the direction of incidence of white light. As rays of all colours emerge in the same direction,there is no dispersion.

11. Write any two questions which you ask your teacher, to know about formation ofmirages ?

A. i) How do the mirages form ?

ii) At what situations do mirages form ?

12. What is the image of the boy standing at shore to the person swimming in water ?

A. The boy appears to be taller.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (9)


4. Refraction of Light at Curved Surfaces

Objective questions :

1. The complete ray diagram for


2. The focal length of lens ___________ in water.

A. Increases

3. Lens formula : 1 1 1

f v u : : lens makers formula _________


11 1

1 2fn


4. Which of the following is true ?

A) Convex lens always forms virtual image

B) Convex lens always forms real image

C) Concave lens always forms virtual image

D) Concave lens always forms real image

A. Concave lens always forms virtual image

5. For a convex lens :

Position of object Position of image

i) At Focus ( ) P) Same side

ii) Between 2F andF ( ) Q) Infinity

iii) Between F and O ( ) R) Beyond 2F

A) i - Q, ii - R, iii - P B) i - P, ii - Q, iii - R

C) i - R, ii - P, iii - Q D) i - Q, ii - P, iii - R

A. i - Q, ii - R, iii - P

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (10)


6. How will the image formed by a convexlens be affected if the upper half of the lenswrapped with a black paper ?A) The size of the image is reduced to one - halfB) The upper half of the image will be absentC) The brightness of the image is reduced.

A. The brightness of the image is reduced.

7. A : For a erect object having inverted image, linear magnification is negative.

R : Linear magnification is the ratio between height of object and height of image.A) Both A and R are correctB) Both A and R are wrongC) A is correct R is wrongD) A is wrong R is correct

A. Both A and R are wrong

8 What is focus of a lens ?

A. The point of convergence of the point of divergence of a lens is its focus.

9. What is focal plane ?

A. A plane which is perpendicular to principle axis at the focus is called focal plane.

10. Give two uses of convex lens.

A. 1. Used in projectors.

2. Used in cameras

11. What type of lens behaviour will an air bubble inside water show ?

A. Canvex lens

12. What happens if the ray passes through principle axis ?

A. It will be undeviated.

13. When do you get a virtual image with convex lens ?

A. The object is placed between focus and pole.

14. Is it possible for a lens to act as a convergent lens in air medium and a divergent lens inanother ?

A. Yes, a convergent lens is placed in a higher refractive index of medium, the nature of thelens changes.

Very Short Answer Questions

1. Is focal length of a lens is zero ? If not why ?

A. No, focal length of lens never equals to zero, because it is the distance between focal pointand optical centre.

2. Ravi used a lens to burn a paper. What is that lens ? What is the other name of it ?

A. It is convex lens. It is also known as converging lens.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (11)


3. Draw the given diagram in your answer book and complete it for the path of ray oflight beyond lens.


4. How will you decide whether a given piece of glass is a convex lens. Concave lens or a

plane plate ?

A. Hold the given piece of glass over some printed matter.

1. Magnified letters convex lens

2. Diminished letters concave lens

3. Appear to be same plane glass

5. Find the focal length of a plane convex lens if its radius of curvature is R and itsrefractive index is n.


11 1

1 2fn


R1 = , R2 = R





f = R

n 1

6. When you saw a person swimming in the water, do you find any changes in his size or

height why ?

A. When we saw from out side, he looks shorter than his original size.

7. Can a virtual image be photographed ?

A. Yes, a virtual image can be photographed by a camera.

8. What are the symbols used to denoted bi-convex and bi-concave lens in a ray diagram ?

A. Bi-convex lens -

bi-concave lens -

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (12)


9. Write formula for image formation by curved surfaces.


v2 –


u1 =

n n

R2 1

10. In which position of object before on convex lens we get image at infinity ? Why ?

A. If the object lies at 'F', we get image at infinity, because after refraction the rays travel parallel.

5 . Human Eye And Colourful World

12 Mark Objective questions :

1. Match the following [ A ]

1. Myopia a) Convex lens

2. Hypermetropia b) Bi-focal lens

3. Presbyopia c) Concave lens

A) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - b B) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c

C) 1 - c 2 - b, 3 - a D) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - a

2. Identify the wrong combination [ D ]

A) Variable apperture - Pupil B) Light sensitive membrane - Retina

C) Thin transparent membrane - Cornea D) Ciliary muscles - Optic nerve

3. A : blue colour of sky appears due to scattering of light

R : Blue colour has shortest wave length among all colour [ C ]

A) Both A and R are true and R supports A

B) Both A and R are true and R not support A

C) A is true but R is not true

D) A is false but R is true

4. Least distance of distinct vision : 25 cm : : Angle of vision : __________ [ C ]

A) 30o B) 40o C) 60o D) 90o

5. Choose the incorrect statement [ A ]

A) Light is a mechanical waveB) Presbyopia can be corrected by bi-focal lensC) The reciprocal of focal length is called power of lensD) Sun light is mixture of seven colours

6. Red, violet, green, blue arrange these from smaller to higher wave length

A. Violet, blue, green, red.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (13)


7. Match the following [ B ]

1. Refraction ( ) P) Rainbow

2. Scattering ( ) Q) Blue colour of the sky

3. Dispersion ( ) R) Twinkling of stars

A) 1 - Q, 2 - R, 3 - P B) 1 - R, 2 - Q, 3 - PC) 1 - P 2 - R, 3 - Q D) 1 - P, 2 - R, 3 - Q

8. The pupil in the eye is [ C ]

a) A small hole in retinab) A small hole in a muscular diaphram called Irisc) It appears white because any light falling on it goes into the eyed) Appears black because any light falling on it goes into the eye

A) a, b, c B) a, b, d C) b. d D) a, b, c, d

9. This defect can be corrrectedby using ________ lens

A. Concave lens

10. During refraction of light the characters of light which does not change is ________ [ B ]

A) Wave length B) Frequency C) Speed D) Colour

11. From this figure mention name of d ?

A. Angle of deviation

12. Write the relation between V, , f.

A. V = f

1 Mark Questions

1. Does eye lens form a real image or virtual image ?

A. Eye lens forms a real and inverted image

2. What are the maximum and minimum focal lengths of eye lens ?

A. Maximum focal length is 2.5 cm.

Minimum focal length is 2.27 cm.

3. What do you mean by power of lens ?

A. The reciprocal of focal length is called power of lens.

4. Is the speed of light of each colour different ?

A. In Vaccum : Speed of each colour is constant.

In medium : Speed of each colour is different.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (14)


5. Mention the role of pupil in a human eye ?

A. To regulate the amount of light entering the eye.

6. A short sighted person may read a book without spectacles. Comment.

A. The statement is true, becomes a short-sighted person has difficulty in observing far off objects.

7. Which colour of light bends the most and the least ?

A. Red colour bends the least and violet bends more.

8. How does retina responds to light ?

A. Retina considers of two types of photo sensores. They are

Cones – provide colour vision

Rods – respond to intensity of light

9. What is the disection of rainbow formation ? What is the position of red colour inrainbow ?

A. Rainbow is always formed in the direction opposite to the sun. The position of red colour in therainbow is at the top.

10. Why is red colour selected for danger signal ?

A. Red colour light has maximum wavelength, least scattering and travles fast due to its higherwavelength.

11. Complete ray diagram assumingthe given eye is myopic eye ?


12. Study the diagram given below. Which defect of vision is represented in this case ?Give reason.

A. This defect is hypermetropia. The reasons is the image of near point is formed beyond ratina.

6. Structure of Atom12 Mark Questions :

1. IR rays cathod rays, X -rays and - rays among them which is not electromagneticradiation ?

A. Cathod rays

2. Who is given the relation between energy of the radiation and its frequency ?

A. Plank

3. Which quantum number represents size and energy ?

A. Principle quantum number.

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4. The total number of stationary states present in "M".

A. 9

5. The maximum number of electrons in the fourth orbit are

A. 32

6. The number of sub-shells in n = 3 orbit are

A. 3

7. Double dumbell shape orbital is ......

A. d

8. Write the four quantum number values of 3d4 orbital.

A. n = 3, l = 2, ml = –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, ms = + 12

9. Write an electronic configuration of carbon atom is

A. 1S2 2S1 2Px1 2Py

1 2Pz1

10. "No two electrons of an atom can have the same values for all the four quantumnumbers". Who proposed it ?

A. Pauli

11. The element which shows an outer configuration of 3S2 3P6

A. Ar

12. After complition of 3d orbital, the electron enters in which orbital ?

A. 4P

13. Energy/velocity/frequency/wavelength, form these all types of electormagnetic radiationposses the same.

A. Velocity

14. Which element having the electronic configuration of 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2, 2P5 ?

A. Chlorine

15. To which boundary surface diagram of d orbital it indicates ?

A. dxy

1 Mark Questions :

1. E = h , which is the plank constant in this equation ? What is its value ?

A. h is the plank constant, h = 6.626 x 10–34 J/sec

2. What is electromagnetic spectrum ?

A. The entire range of electromagnetic wave frequency is known as the electromagneticspectrum.

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (16)


3. The following orbital diagram shows the electronic configuration at oxygen atom ?(8O)

Which rule doesnot support this ?

A. Hund's rule

4. Fill the table with suitable this.

l Sub shell No.of degenerated orbital

0 s

p 3

2 d


A. l Sub shell No.of degenerated orbital

0 s 1

1 p 3

2 d 5

3 f 7

5. Draw the dz2 orbital.


6. If l = 2, then what is the minimum and maximum values for ml ?

A. ml = (2l + 1) = (2 x 2 + 1) = 5

– 2, –1, 0, 1, 2

Maximum value = 2, Minimum value = –2

7. The electronic configuration of Ca+ ion.

A. 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2, 3P6

8. Who proposed magnetic quantam number ?

A. Lande

9. The (n + l) value for 3f electron is ______

A. (n + l) = 3 + 3 = 6

10. In nlx method 'n' letter indicates ______

A. Principle quantum number.

1S2 2S2 2P4

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (17)


7. Classification of Elements - The Periodic Table12 Mark Questions :

1. Which one of the following increases in a group from top to bottom ?A) Atomic size B) Metallic natureC) Electropositivity D) Electronegativity

A. A, B and C

2. Which group elements are called halogens ?A. VII A (or) 17th group

3. Find odd one based on group they belongs.A) F B) Cl C) O D) I

A. C) Oxygen

4. Which of the following is not a non metal ?A) Cl B) O C) H D) As

A. D

5. Give two examples for metalloidsA. Si, Ge

6. Which of the following statement is wrong ?A) As screening effect increases ionisation energy decreasesB) As atomic size increases ionisation energy decreasesC) Ionisation energy is expresses in KJ mole–1

D) Nitrogen has less ionisation energy compared to oxygenA. D

7. What is the shape of d-orbitalA. Double dumbell

8. Which of the following is most active metal ?A) Lithium B) Sodium C) Potassium D) Rubidium

A. D) Rubidium

9. The properties of the elements on the modern periodic table depends on ?A. Electronic configuration

10. What are the transition elements ?A. d - block elements

11. Matching1. Dobernier [ ] P) Traid2. Mendeleeff [ ] Q) Atomic weight3. H.J. Mosley [ ] R) Atomic number

A) 1 - Q, 2 - R, 3 - P B) 1 - Q, 2 - P, 3 - RC) 1 - P, 2 - Q, 3 - R D) 1 - P, 2 - Q, 3 - R

A. C) 1 - P, 2 - Q, 3 - R

PS - EM -· 5. At _____ angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is 90 o. A. Critical 6. During refraction _____ will - [PDF Document] (18)


12. X : In a periodic table the valence electrons are equal to its group number.

Y : Modern periodic table is based on atimic weight.

A) Both X and Y are true B) X is true and Y is wrongC) Both X and Y are wrong D) X is wrong and Y is true

A. B) X is true and Y is wrong

13. Match the following

A) Eka Boron [ ] x) Scandium

B) Eka Aluminium [ ] y) Galium

C) Eka Silicon [ ] z) Germanium

A) A - x, B - y, C - z B) A - y, B - x, C - z C) A - z, B - x, C - y

A. C) A - x, B - y, C - z

1 Mark Questions :

1. Which one between Na and Na+ ions would have more size ? Why ?

A. Na has more size than Na+ ion. Because Na has 11 electrons and Na+ ion has only 10 electrons

and increase the nuclear attraction.

2. Name the elements which have most and least electronegitivity ?

A. The most electronegitivity element is 'F'

The least electronegitivity element is 'Cs'

3. Which group elements are called carbon family ?

A. The carbon family is element group 14 (or) IV A of the periodic table.

4. What is meant by a Dobereiner's law of triads ?

A. A group of three elements in which atomic weight of middle element is the avarage of first

and third elements.

Ex :- Li, Na, K; Cl, Br, I

5. What is octant rule ?

A. The atoms of the elements contain eight electrons in the valency shells called octant.

6. How does the metallic character charge when move

i) Down a groupii) Across period

A. Group :- In a group from top to bottom the matallic character increases

Period :- In a period from left to right the metallic character decreases.

7. How many elements in the 6th period ?

A. 32 elements

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8. What are lanthonoids ?

A. The 14 elements in f-block 58Ce to 71Lu are called lanthanoids. These are in 6th period.

These are shown at the bottom of the periodic table.

9. What is modern periodic law ?

A. The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their electronic


10. What are metalloids ?

A. The properties of elements which are intermediate between the properties of metals and non-

metals are called metalloids.

11. What is electropositive character ?

A. The tendency of metals to remain positive ions in compounds is called electropositive


12. How does the valency vary on going down a group ?

A. The valency is constant when we move from top to bottom in a group because the number of

valence electrons are same for same group elements.

13. What is screening effect (or) shielding effect ?

A. More the shells which electrons between the nucleus and the valence shell, they act as screens

to decreases nuclear attraction over valance electron. This is called screening effect (or) shield-

ing effect.

8. Chemical Bond12 Mark Questions with Answers :

1. X : Elements with more electropositive character from cations

Y : Elements with more electronegative character from anions

A) Both X and Y are true B) X is true and Y is wrong

C) Both X and Y are wrong D) None of the above

A. A

2. Which one of the following element belongs to the 3rd period and IIIA group ?

A) Sodium B) Potassium C) Aluminium D) Argon

A. B

3. In sodium chloride crystal, the coordination number of Na and Cl are ______

A. Na - 6, Cl - 6

4. What is the hybridization Boron trifluoried ?

A. SP2 hybridization

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5. What is the bond present in HCl molecule ?

A. Polar covalent bond

6. Which of the following elements exists as atoms but not molecules ?

A) Halogens B) Metals C) Inert gases D) Alkaline earth metals

A. Inert gases

7. An element 'A' forms ACl4. The numver of electrons in the valency shell of 'A' is

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

A. 4

8. Repersent the molecule H2O using Lewis notation ?


9. A : The shape of methane molecule is tetrahedran

R : In methane central atom has 4 bond pairs without any loan pair.

A) Both A and R are false. B) A is true, R is falseC) Both A and R are true. R is correct explanation of AD) Both A and R are true. A is correct explanation of R.

A. C

10. Match the following.

Group - A Group - B

1. BeCl2 [ ] A) SP2

2. BF3 [ ] B) SP

3. NH3 [ ] C) SP3

A) 1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C B) 1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - C C) 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - A

A. B) 1 - B, 2 - A, 3 - C

11. Which of the following is correct.

X : Ionic compounds have high melting points and are good conductors.

Y : Covalent bond if formed due to tranfer of electrons.

A. Ionic compounds have high melting points and are good conductors.

12. In nitrogen molecule how many bonds and bonds ?

A. 1 bonds and 2 bonds

13. Hybridization of atomic orbital's was proposed by ______

A. Linus pauling

O• •

• •

• •

• •– H


–O• •

• • •

• •+2 H • >

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1 Mark Questions :

1. Write the names of any two compounds which have an ionic bond ?

A. NaCl, MgCl2, AlCl3, etc,.

2. Expand VSEPRT.A. VSEPRT - Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory.

3. What is chemical bond ?A. The force between any two atoms or a group of atoms that results in the formation of a stable

entity is called "Chemical bond".

4. Write the electronic configuration of Na+ and Cl–

A. Na+ = 1S2 2S2 2P6

Cl– = 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6

5. Which compounds exhibit low melting and boiling points ?A. Covalent copmpounds exhibits low melting and boiling points when compared to ionic


6. Which type of compounds are more soluble in polar solvents ?

A. Ionic compounds are more soluble in polar solvents.

7. How many valence electrons doeselements Y have ?

A. Elements Y has 6 valence electrons.

8. What is the valency of element X ?

A. The valency of element X is one.

9. Write any two names of molecules having double bond ?

A. O2, C2H4, CO2 etc,.

10. Sreenath says that "The number of electrons gained by a non-metal is its valency". Doyou agree with the statement of Sreenath ? Explain.

A. Yes, I agree with the statements of Sreenath.

Reason :-

1. The number of electrons gained by a non-metal elements for its atom is its valency.

2. For example the number of electrons gain by chlorine is 1. So, one is the valence of chlorine.

11. What is bond length ?

A. Bond length is defined as the distance between the 2 nuclei of the atoms which involved isbonding.

12. Write the formula of compound when an element X of group 2 reacts with an elementof Y of group 17 ?

A. XY2

X Yx x

x •




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9 . Electric Current

12 Mark Questions :

1. What connection is used in domestic appliance in our home ?

A. Parallel

2. What is the value of 1KWH ?

A. 3.6 x 106 Joules

3. Who proposed the "Junction Law" ?

A. Kirchhoff

4. What is S. I unit of resistance ?

A. Ohm

5. What is the electric potential of earth ?

A. Zero

6. R = l

A , In this formula. What indicates "A" ?

A. Area of cross section.

7. Which gas is used to fill the electric bulb ?

A. Argon

8. What is the reason for the tungstan filament bulb is filled with inert gas because ?

A. To stop reduction

9. What is the main use of fuse ?

A. To prevent fire accidents, to prevent overloading of household circuits.

10. Write S.I unit of current.

A. Ampere

11. Three resistors of values 2 , 4 , 6 are connected in parallel. What is the equiva-

lent resistance of combination of resistors ?

A.1 1 1 1 1






6 3 2



121 2 3R R R R

R = 12

11 = 1.09

12. Name the two semi conductor.

A. Silicon and Germanium.

1 Mark Questions :

1. What factors are effected on resistance ?

A. Nature of substance, length area of cross section and temperature.

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2. Why does a bird not get the shock, when it stands on a high voltage wire ?

A. There is no potential difference between the legs of the bird.

3. Define Ohm ?

A. If 1 amphere of electric current passes between two points of potential difference 1 volt, then

the resistance between them said to be 1 ohm.

4. What are the metals contain in nichrome wire ?

A. Nickel, Chromium and Iron

5. Silver is a better coductor of electricity than copper. Why do we use copper wire for

conduction for electricity ?

A. Silver is a costly metal than copper.

6. Write the two examples of non Ohmic conductors ?

A. LED and Semi-conductor.

7. How is the voltmeter connected in a circuit ?

A. Voltmeter connected parallel in the circuit

8. Calculate the resistance of the circuit, when 12V battery is connected and 2A current

passing through it ?

A. R = V

i =


2 = 6

9. Find the effective resistance of the circuit R, when R1, R2 and R3 resistance connectedin series in the circuit ?

A. R = R1 + R2 + R3

10. Why do we consider tungsten as suitable material for making the filament of a bulb ?

A. It has high resistance and high melting point (3422oC)

11. Find the value of XA ?

A. XA + 6A + 4A + 3A = 5A + 2A + 1A + 9A

XA + 13A = 17A

XA = 17A – 13A

= 4A

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12. From the following V-I graphs. Find the Ohmic conductor graph. Write reason.

A. It passes through origen and straight line.

Ohmic conductor graph.

10 . Electromagnetism

12 Mark Questions :

1. What is the S.I unit of magnetic field ?

A. Tesla

2. What we call a long, tightly wound helical coil of insulated copper wire ?

A. Solenoid

3. What is the instrument which can detect the presence of electric current in a circuit ?

A. Galvonometer

4. Which device produces the electric current ?

A. Generator

5. Who has stated the right hand thumb rule for detecting the direction of field lines ?

A. Maxwell

6. In all the electrical appliances, the switches are put in the _______ wire.

A. Phase wire or live wire

7. Magnetic field inside the Solenoid is ________

A. Uniform magnetic field.

8. According to the Right hand thumb rule, direction of thumb indicates ?

A. Motion of the conductor

9. Which instrument is used for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy ?

A. Electric motor

10. The magnetism of magnets is maximum at ________

A. At poles

11. What the direction of magnetic field inside a Solenoid ?

A. From south pole to north pole

12. What is the main difference in A.C generator and D.C generator ?

A. Split rings

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13. What principle used in working of electric generator ?

A. Electromagnetic induction

14. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by ______

A. Michael Faraday

15. What indicates the middle finger in flemings left hand rule ?

A. Flowing current

1 Mark Questions :

1. Who was the scientist first established the connection between electricity andmagnetism ?

A. Hans christian Oersted is the scientist.

2. Magnetic lines of forces are endless. Comment.

A. They are always continuous closed loops. So, they are endless

3. Why do we use steel or alnico for making parmanent magnets ?

A. Magnetism in steel or alnico stays for a longer time.

4. What is the function of a split ring in an electric motor ?

A. In D.C motor which operates one direct current obtained from a battery.

5. Name some sources of direct current.

A. Dry cells, button cells

6. Why is it not advisable to handle domestic electrical circuit with wet handles ?

A. Wet hands are good conductors of electricity. It will gives us an electric shock while

handling it.

7. What is the potential difference between live and neutral wires in India ?

A. 220 Volts the potential difference live nad netural wires in India.

8. What is meant by a magnetic flux ? Write their units.

A. the number of magnetic lines passing through the plane. It is denoted by ''. Its units are


9. Write the uses of a Solenoid.

A. It is used in electric bell, fan and generators

10. Draw the diagram showing the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet ?


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11. State the Faraday's law.

A. The induced EMF generated in a closed loop is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux

passing through it.

12. State the Lenz's law.

A. The induced current setup in the coil is in such a direction that it opposes the changes in the


11. Principle of Metallurgy

12 Mark Questions :

1. What is impurity present in the ore ?

A. Gangue

2. Write the ore of carbonate.

A. Magnesite

3. What is the name of the oil used in the froth flotation process ?

A. Pin oil

4. Galena is an ore of _____ metal.

A. Pb

5. Write the chemical formula of Gypsum.

A. CaSO4, 2H2O

6. Which ore is purified in froth floatation method ?

A. Sulphide

7. The metal that occurs in the native form is ________

A. Gold (Au) or Silver (Ag) or Platinum (Pt)

8. What is the reducing agent in the thermite process ?

A. Aluminium (Al)

9. Sulphide ores are converted into oxides by heating them strongly in excess of air. This

process is known as ?

A. Roasting

10. Write the chemical formula of cinnabar.

A. HgS

11. Which method is suitable for purification of Blister copper ?

A. Poling method

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12. When iron is mixed with nickel and chromium we get an alloy which does not rust ?

What is the name of this alloy ?

A. Stainless steel

13. Which furnance is used for roasting ?

A. Reverberatory furnance

14. Which furnance is used for smelting ?

A. Blast furnance

15. Which of the following is not a refining method of crude metal ?(Smelting / Poling / Distillation / Liquation)

A. Smelting

1 Mark Questions :

1. Write the names of any two ores of iron.

A. Hematite (Fe2O3), Magnetite (Fe3O4)

2. Define the term slag.

A. The impurities obtained during the poling process get oxidized to for slag (scum) over the

surface of the molten metal.

3. What is metallurgy ?

A. The process of extraction of metals from their ores.

4. List the metals that are found in nature in uncombined form.

A. Gold (Au), Silver (Ag) and Platinum (Pt)

5. What are the metals present in the Bronze alloy ?

A. Copper and Tin (Cu, Sn)

6. Write the chemical formula and name of rust.

A. Fe2O3, H2O (Hydrated ferric oxide)

7. What is stainless steel ?

A. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, nickel and chromium

8. What is meant by furnance ?

A. Furnance is the one which is used to carryout pyrochemical processes in metallaurgy.

9. Iron gets rust but gold does not. Why ?

A. Iron is moderate reactive metal, gold is a less reactive metal. So, iron gets rust easily.

10. What are minerals ?

A. The elements or compounds of the metals that occur in nature in earth crust are called as


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12 . Carbon And Its Compounds

12 Mark questions :

1. Write the electronic configuration of carbon in excited state.A. 1S2 2S1 2Px

1 2Py1 2Pz


2. Which orbitals are involved in the hybridisation of carbon ?A. 2S and 2P

3. What is the property to ability to atoms of an element to form long chains ?A. Catenation

4. Name the term, compounds having same molecular formula but different properties.A. Isomers

5. Name the catalyst used in hydrogenation of oils.A. Nickel

6. Which is used as preservative in pickels ?A. Vinegar

7. Name the reaction between carboxylic acid and alcohol to form sweet smelting liquid.A. Esterification

8. Write the formula of stearic acid.A. C17 H35 COOH

9. The number of carbon atoms in Buck minister fullerene.A. 60

10. Who discovered nano tubes ?A. Sumio li jima

11. First prepared organic compound urea [NH2 CONH2] is prepared fromA. NH4 CNO [Ammonium cyanate]

12. Who prepared first organic compound in the laboratory ?A. Wohler

13. Draw the soap molecule.


14. Draw the diagram of micelle.


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15. Which of the compound is used to detect drunken drivers ?

A. K2 Cr2 O7 [Potasium dicromate]

16. A H O CH CH OHCatalyst

Atm Co 2 100 300 300 3 2

Which carbon compound represent in A place ?

A. C2H4

1 Mark Questions :

1. Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity while graphite is a good conductor. Assign


A. In the structure of diamond, all the four valency electrons of carbon are involved in the

formation of covalent bonds. There is no free electrons. In the structure of graphite three elec-

trons in the valency shell of carbon are involved in covalent bond formation. The fourth elec-

tron is free to move. Therefore graphite is a good conductor.

2. Which of the following formula represents a saturated hydrocarbon ?

Cn H2n+2, Cn H2n+1, Cn H2n–2

A. Cn H2n+2

3. Which functional groups always occurs at the terminal position of a carbon chain ?

A. Aldehyd group R – CHO

Carboxylic group R – COOH [R = alkyl group]

4. State the valency of each carbon atom in an alkane and alkyne.

A. Valency of each carbon atom in an alkane and alkyne is four.

5. Write molecular formula of alcohol which can be derived from butane ?

A. Butanol [CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – OH]

6. What is the composition of natural gas used for cooking ?

A. Natural gas mainly contains methane [CH4] 90%, along with decreasing amounts of ethane,

propane, butane etc,.

7. On buring a hydrocarbon in air, a student obtains sooty flame. What does it indicates ?

A. Incomplete combustion of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

8. What would be the disadvantage of detergents over soaps ?

A. Some of the detergents are non-biodegradable hence causes water pollution in lakes and rivers.

9. State the part of soap molecule that attaches it self to dirt when soap is dissolved in water.

A. Hydrophobic end.

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10. IUPAC name of carbon compound

CH3 – CH – CH2 Br


A. 1 - Bromo, 2 - methyl propane

11. IUPAC name of carbon compound

CH3 – CH2 – C = CH2

A. 2 - methyl 1 - butene

12. Write the functional groups of ketone and aldehyde

A. Ketone – C – Aldehyde – CHO


13. Draw the structure of Ethanoic acid.

A. CH3COOH H – C – C – OH

14. Write any two uses of ethanol.

A. It is used as an active ingredient in all alcoholic drinks it is useful in medicines like tincture of

Iodine, cough syrupes etc,.

15. What are the characteristics of hom*ologous series ?

A. hom*ologous series can be represented by the same general formula any two adjacent

hom*ologous differ by –CH2 in their molecular formula.







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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.