N.Otorious Crimbo Combats [closed for judging] (2024)

Name: Sirenkit
ID: 1967326
(Pictures of items were sent via email)

Urgh... I know it may seem that I copied Discordia... But I didn't :/

You're fighting a fleet of frenzied shoppers

This year, the festival of Crimbo has been quite magical. So magical, in fact, that many of these last-minute shoppers have literally become one with their carts. How is this even possible? You soon arrive at a brief conclusion- You don't know. However, there's one thing you do conclude, and it's that you hope that you're not on their wishlist.

Hit Message(s):

One of the shoppers ask you to lend them a hand. You then take the chance to wittily state the fact that they have no hands. They are not amused. Ugh! Eek! Ooh!

One frenzied shopper swerves by you, barely missing you. Unfortunately, all 473 pounds of his precious cargo doesn't. Ugh! Eek! Ouch!

You try to explain to the shoppers that Crimbo is all about one's random acts of kindness that one does for another. One misinterprets you, and whips out a random axe of kindness. Whoops. Ow! Eek! Ow!

The shoppers start to sprint towards you, and you try to run away. However, you trip over a small group of children. Agh, you would have gotten away if it wasn't for those stupid meddling kids! Ugh! Eek! Ooh!

Critical hit message:

Nearby, a store announces their "final" 245th sale on all children's toys. The shoppers then proceed to sail through you, in an attempt to not be left behind. Eek! Ouch! Oof! Ugh!

Miss message(s):

They charge toward you, but you quickly charge them for aggravated assault.

They steer toward you, but you instinctively yell "FIRE!!!". They disperse in a multitude of directions, forming a fleet of frenzied shoppers... Erm... More frenzied than before.

The shoppers start to slowly edge towards you, but back off when their children request a picture with Uncle Crimbo. Eek.

Fumble message:

They dash towards you all at once, but the shoppers quickly get into a tangled mess.

You gain 200 meat.
You acquire an item: Barbed wire fence (100% chance)
You acquire an item: Random Axe of Kindness (2% chance)
You acquire an item: Heavy Crimbo present (40% chance)
You acquire an item: Heavy Crimbo present (40% chance)
You acquire an item: Rattling Crimbo present (10% chance)

Random Axe of Kindness

This is a Random axe of Kindness. It is used to help distribute good feelings of peace and prosperity, if that's at all possible with an axe of this size. Well, at least it smells nice.

Type: weapon (2-handed axe)
Power: 200
Muscle required: 150
Selling Price: 1500 meat
(In-game plural: Random axis of kindness)

All attributes +5%
Regenerate 10 HP and MP per adventure
Never Fumble

Heavy Crimbo Present

This is a heavy paper package, tied up with string. It probably contains everyone's favorite things.

Type: usable
Selling price: 100 meat
(In-game plural: Heavy Crimbo presents)

When used:

You acquire an item: Wool sweater
(100% chance)

You acquire an item: Tom's riddle
(100% chance)

You acquire an item: Stocking full of Goodies
(100% chance)

You acquire an item: Wrapping Paper
(100% chance)

Wool sweater

Yippee, a plain old wool sweater. Exactly what you wanted for Christmas, and nothing more.


Type: shirt
Power: 25
Mysticality required: 5
Selling price: 1 meat
(In-game plural: Wool sweaters)

Mysticality +1

Tom's Riddle

This is an old, old, children's riddle, recognized by all sorts of kids from all over the world. Dark and calamitous thoughts are scattered all throughout this riddle. In other words, it's your classic children's nursery rhyme.

Type: potion
Effect: Gotcha Nose!
Duration: 5 turns
Cannot be discarded
(In-game plural: Tom's Riddles)

Gotcha Nose!

Augh, he's gotcha nose! You start to shoot randomly after him, before realizing that he's stolen your hair as well. Drat.

Mysticality +20%
2x chance of Critical Hit
Combat Initiative -1000%

Stocking Full of Goodies

This is a stocking full of goodies which everyone can enjoy! The good children receive candy, and the naughty children host barbecues!

Type: usable
Selling Price: 250 meat
(In-game plural: Stockings full of goodies)

When used:

You acquire an item: Heavy metal blimp (90% chance)
You acquire an item: Piece of wrapping paper (75% chance)
You acquire an item: Bag of Peppermints (100% chance)

Or, 3% of the time:

You acquire an item: Lump of coal

Heavy metal blimp

This is an extremely heavy blimp. It's about as useful as a lead zeppelin, and its only practical purpose is as an unstable paperweight. Come to think of it... that doesn't really make it practical at all.

Type: Potion
Selling price: 20 meat
(In-game plural: Heavy metal blimps)

When used:

You use your heavy metal blimp and do... something.

You acquire an effect: Tied down

Tied down

Woe, you feel tied down and strangled in suffocation, as if you are unable to fly away! You're at the edge of sanity, and you are starting to develop suicidal tendencies. You plot means for your escape... and it's probably going to be through the use of an ancient mastodon, or perhaps through a warhorse? You don't know.


Piece of Wrapping Paper

This is a wad of wrapping paper. Don't worry about saving it for later... It'll only be torn to shreds by someone else!

Type: combat
Selling Price: 50 meat
(In-game plural: Pieces of wrapping paper)

When used:
You wrap you opponent up into a gift and sell it to peeps who work at a thrift. What a hardcore wrapper you are!

You gain (ML) meat.(Ends the adventure)

Bag of Peppermints

This bag is a doorway to endless possibilities. Peppermint patties, Peppermint tea, you name it.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: usable
Selling price: 5 meat
(In-game plural: Bags of peppermint)

Using 1:

You manage to melt the peppermint with only the heat your hands... Oh look, what is this?

You acquire an item: Peppermint Candy

Using 5:

You manage to melt the peppermint with only the heat of your hands... Oh look, what is this?
You acquire an item: Peppermint Pike

Using 10:

You manage to melt the peppermint with only the heat of your hands... Oh look, what is this?
You acquire an item: Peppermint Pants

Using 20:

You manage to melt the peppermint with only the heat of your hands... Oh look, what is this?
You acquire an item: Peppermint Hat

Using an invalid number:

You can't seem to craft anything with this number of peppermints.

Peppermint Candy

This is a candy constructed from peppermints and sugar. Childhood memories suddenly start to flood back into your mind. They're not necessarily good ones, though.

Type: Accessory
Power: 25
Muscle required: 5
Outfit: Peppermint Guise
(In-game plural: Peppermint candies)

Peppermint Pike

This is a pike solely crafted with peppermint-flavored candy. Sure, achieve the same effect by sucking on it, but the fact that you made it with your own hands make it that much more special, mmhm.

Type: weapon (2-handed club)
Power: 130
Muscle required: 45
Cannot be discarded
(In-game plural: Peppermint pikes)

Mysticality +15
Mysticality +2%

Peppermint Pants

These are pants crafted with the joyfulness that can only be found with candy canes. However, this joyfulness is limited-by restricting your movement... Eeurgh.

Type: pants
Power: 130
Muscle required: 35
Outfit: Peppermint Guise
Cannot be discarded
(In-game plural: Peppermint pantyhosen)

Moxie +15
Moxie +2%
Combat Initiative -50%

Peppermint Hat

This is a large hat made out of-you guessed it- peppermint candy canes. It gives you a strange feeling of nostalgia though... Like a mix between classic childhood delights and bad haircuts.

Type: Hat
Power: 85
Muscle required: 25
Outfit: Peppermint Guise
Cannot be discarded

Muscle +15
Muscle +2%

Peppermint Guise



Peppermint Hat
Weapon:Peppermint Pike
Pants:Peppermint Pants
Accessory:Peppermint Candy

• All attributes + 5%

•Trick-or-Treating in this outfit may yield a Bag of peppermints.
•This outfit allows you to get the Candy Cane Tattoo from the Pretentious Artist.
• This outfit requires 36 bags of peppermints.

Minty Chocolate

This is a small piece of minty chocolate. *It looks quite tasty and irresistible to your palate.

(Cooking Ingredient)
Type: Food (

Level required: 2
(In-game plural: Minty chocolates)

Recipe: (Bag of Peppermints+any chocolate item, excluding those with "white chocolate" in its name)

When consumed:

Do-ba-do-pa-do-be-do... This chocolate leaves your mouth feeling minty fresh!

You gain 1 adventure.
(You gain one fullness)
You acquire an effect: Pepperminty

Peppermint Bark

Ah, peppermint bark. The strange food that, instead of being crafted from peppermint and tree bark, is created from a dazzling mix of artificial flavorings, sugar, and chocolate.

(Cooking Ingredient)
Type: Food(decent)
Level required: 3
(In-game plural: Peppermint bark)

Recipe: (White chocolate chips+Minty Chocolate)

You eat the peppermint bark. It's deliciously sweet and sweetly delicious!

You gain 2 adventures.
You gain 15-20 Smarm.
(You gain 1 fullness.)

Peppermint Tea

This tea has been said to be quite beneficial. Beneficial meaning it will heal you in a multitude of ways, many innumerable and impossible to count. Cool. Drink up!

Type: beverage (awesome)
Selling price: 150 meat
(In-game plural: Peppermint teas)

Recipe: (Hippy herbal tea+Peppermint bark)

When consumed:
You drink the tea and... Wow! Just wow! You feel completely wide awake and alert. Jittery too.

You gain 10-15 adventures.
You gain 25-35 strongness.
You gain 25-35 enchantedness.
You gain 25-35 moxiousness.
(You gain 3 fullness)

You acquire an effect: Pepperminty

If the character has the effect Beaten up, or some variant of the poison effect:

The mintiness of the tea completely refreshes your body!*
You lose the following effect(s):
Beaten Up
A Little Bit Poisoned
Hardly Poisoned at all
Majorly Poisoned
Really Quite Poisoned

Peppermint Patty

This peppermint patty seems to be magical beyond belief! Sorta like York & his friends. Kinda. Sorta. Ah, forget it.

Type: Food (decent)
Level required: 2
Selling price: 50 meat
(In-game plural: Peppermint patties)

Recipe: (Minty chocolate+any chocolate item, excluding those with "white chocolate" in its name)

When consumed:

You eat the peppermint patty. Shortly afterwards, a funny-looking kid with a large nose passes by you. Poor kid.

You gain 2-3 adventures.
(You gain 1 fullness)

You acquire an effect: Pepperminty


You're instantly filled with pep, and now live life on the mintier side.

All attributes +10%

Rattling Crimbo Present

What could be inside? I don't know, but it rattles when you shake it. Wait, scratch that. It shakes by itself. Spooky. What could it possibly be?

Type: usable
Selling price: 150 meat
(In-game plural: Rattling Crimbo presents)

When used:

You acquire an item: Rattling box

Rattling box

No, this is not a box used to attract deer... In fact, from the looks of things, it'd probably scare the heck out of them! You pause briefly to wonder what's inside of it, then decide against it.

Type: usable
Selling price: 125 meat
(In-game plural: Rattling boxen)

When used:
You acquire an item: Rattling snake

Rattling Snake

This is a snake that rattles. In other words, it's a rattlesnake. However, it's not just the tail that rattles-it seems to be the WHOLE BODY. In fact, with the way that it's thrashing around, it may be experiencing an extremely violent seizure. You would help it, if it were able to contain a little more self-control and not bite wildly at whatever it sees.

Type: Familiar
Selling price: 200 meat
(In-game plural: Rattling Snakes)

When used:

You put the rattling snake in your Familiar-Gro™ terrarium.

Your other familiars try to calm it down a little-the frequent seizures are probably unhealthy for it. Probably.

Thrashing Snake

Thrashing Snake

This venomous snake
Lacks self control. Its two fangs
Bite quite randomly.

Ability: Poisons enemies

Throne: +5 to familiar weight, Delevels

Hatchling: Rattling Snake

Familiar-Specific Equipment:
Pill of Chlordiazepoxide

Ultimate Cage Match: OOO
Scavenger Hunt: X
Obstacle Course: O
Hide and Seek: OO

Combat messages:

•Regular Message:

<name> strikes your opponent. He winces for X damage.


<name> sinks his teeth into you. Augh, it stings! You wince for X damage.


<name> thrashes on the ground. You'd buy the poor guy a bird to eat if it wasn't in such a whirling mess.

Subsequent rounds (After turn has ended):

<Monstername> winces for X damage.


You wince for X damage.

•Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones: <name> is unable to sit in the Crown of Thrones. In its anger, it spits poison at the monster.
<name> is unable to sit in the Crown of Thrones. In its anger, it spits poison at you.

Enemy Attack decreased by Y
Enemy Defense decreased by Z
Attack decreased by Y
Defense decreased by Z

•With the lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:*
<name> stares at you for a moment, then hisses "Mowgli?" Boy, that was strange.

•With the miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
<name> clings awkwardly to the maypole, forming an strange half of a caduceus.

•With the wax lips equipped:
<name> looks at you and hisses. You resist the urge to laugh.

Arena Messages:
•When entered into a Scavenger Hunt:
<name> tries to find the items, but it's constant thrashing makes this task nearly impossible.


The chance of the snake striking is a 50% chance.
The chance of poisoning an opponent is 80%.
The chance of poisoning the character is 20%.

The poison ability follows the following equation*:
Damage per round=Fam. weight + (Fam weight x Rounds passed^.4)
Percent Chance to poison: Fam. Weight x 2*

The spit mechanics are as follows:
Y+Z are randomly determined.
Y+Z=(Sqrt. Of Fam Weight+Sqrt. Of Fam Weight)^2, rounded down.
Each subsequent round, the victim loses *points in their ability to attack and defend. The total points given out to reduce their statistics are randomly distributed and calculated by Points=Fam. Weight/10.

*The poison ability does not stack; however, the damage given not restart when an enemy is poisoned again. The spit ability occurs only once in a combat.

Pill of Chlordiazepoxide

This is a pill of chlordia-whatever. You're not sure what it contains, but whatever this stuff is, it's pretty effective for sleep therapy.

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: Thrashing Snake
Selling Price: 250 meat
(In-game plural: Pills of Chlordiazepoxide)

+5 to familiar weight

N.Otorious Crimbo Combats [closed for judging] (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 6055

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.