Best love island sayings and quotes _Sayings Collection (2024)

Best love island sayings and quotes _Sayings Collection
Sayings Collection

1. "It is what it is." - A classic Love Island saying that is often used to accept a situation for what it is.

2. "I've got a text!" - The iconic phrase that signals the arrival of a message or announcement on the show.

3. "I've got a text, and it's not good news." - A dramatic twist on the usual text announcement that adds suspense to the show.

4. "I've got a text, and it's time to crack on." - A motivational message to encourage contestants to pursue their romantic interests.

5. "My type on paper." - A phrase used to describe someone who fits one's ideal preferences or criteria.

6. "It's not about the pasta." - A memorable quote from a heated argument on the show that has since become a popular catchphrase.

7. "I've got a text, and it's time to graft." - A call to action for contestants to put in effort and work hard to pursue a romantic connection.

8. "I've got a text, and it's time to couple up." - A pivotal moment in the show when contestants must choose a partner to couple up with.

9. "I'm loyal, babe." - A declaration of faithfulness and commitment that has become a recurring theme on the show.

10. "It's time to crack on and find my Prince Charming." - A hopeful statement expressing a desire to find true love on the show.

Above is Best love island sayings and quotes.

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Best love island sayings and quotes _Sayings Collection (2024)


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