369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (2024)

The 369 Manifestation Technique is one of the best manifestation techniques for bringing your desire into reality.

It’s also good for shifting your thought patterns and beliefs.

I recommend having a dedicated manifestation journal for this process, and to enhance the technique by also using a vision board.

Let’s begin.

Table of Contents

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (1)

What is the Significance of 369?

Thesignificance of the number369 goes beyond simple digits. These are seen asdivine numbersthat carrypowerful numbersof the universe.

The369 manifestation techniquedraws on theprinciples of numerology, suggesting that thesespecific numbersresonate with certainvibrational energy.

This energy can influence oursubconscious mindand the world around us.

Inventor Nikola Tesla, a genius of the20th century, had a deepemotional connectionwith these numbers.

He believed that understanding 369 could unlock the mysteries of the universe.

Tesla’swork of Nikola Teslahinted that these numbers held the key to harnessingthe energy of loveandpositive vibration.

He saw 369 as acommon elementin thefrequency of your desires, linking the physical world to thespiritual realms.

Using 369 in themanifestation processmeans aligning with the cosmic flow.

It’s like having aspecific goal, being deeply connected to the Greater Consciousness.

When you focus yourstate of mindon these numbers, you create a pathway for yourdreamsto manifest. But remember, it’s also about creating astrong intentionand apositive mindset.

Thepositive effectsof practicing this method can be profound in your life. It can lead topersonal growth, a betterfinancial situation, and moreloving relationships.

It encourages you to maintain apositive attitudeand keep your thoughts in thepresent tense, which is key for making yourmanifestationwork.

Tesla’s belief in 369 also underscores the importance of looking at life magically.

He saw these numbers not just as mathematical entities but as symbols of life’s interconnectedness.

For those on amanifestation journey, understanding thesignificance of the numbersis afirst steptoward achieving adesired outcome.

In essence, the 369 numbers remind us to keep anopen mindand stay tuned to the universe’spositive vibration.

The 369 Manifestation Technique can make abig differencein how effectively you canmanifestyour goals and live a life aligned withgreat things.

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (2)

How to Do the 369 Manifestation Method

The369 manifestation methodis a powerful technique based on the belief that specific numbers can help align ourvibrational energywith the universe to achieve our desires.

This method combines principles ofnumerology, thelaw of attraction, and the power ofpositive affirmationsto manifest our goals.

Let’s break down the steps to understand how to effectively practice this method.

Step 1: Set a Clear Specific Intention

The first thing to do is to clarify what you want tomanifest. Yourspecific intentionshould be precise.

It’s not just about wanting more money or love; it’s about defining how much money or what kind of love relationship you desire.

This clarity will guide the energy in the right direction and help create a strongemotional connectionto your goal, which is crucial for themanifestation process.

Step 2: Prepare Your Manifestation Journal

Amanifestation journalis where you will write down your affirmations. This journal can be a simple notebook or a digital product designed for manifestation practices.

The key is that it should be something you are comfortable using daily. It serves as a physical representation of yourmanifestation journeyand helps to solidify your intentions in thesubconscious mind.

Step 3: Write Your Affirmations in the Present Tense

Using your journal, write your affirmations in thepresent tense. This means writing as if what you want to manifest has already happened.

For instance, instead of saying “I will have a loving relationship,” say “I am in a loving relationship.”

This method works by aligning yourstate of mindwith the reality you wish to create, generatingpositive emotionsand apositive mindset.

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (3)

Step 4: Use the Numbers 3, 6, and 9

Here’s where thespecific numberscome into play.

In the morning, right after you wake up, write your affirmation three times.

This is the time when yoursubconscious mindis most receptive.

In the afternoon, write the same affirmation six times to reinforce thevibrational energy.

Finally, in the evening, write it nine times to complete the daily cycle.

This pattern is believed to be apowerful waytomanifestyour desires and is afavorite manifestation methodfor many.

Step 5: Maintain a Positive Attitude and Open Mind

Throughout the day, maintain apositive attitudeand anopen mind.

Doubts ornegative thoughtscan stop themanifestation process.

Belief in the possibility of achieving your desires is essential for the method to work effectively. Yourstate of mindplays a significant role in attracting what you want.

Step 6: Create a Vision Board

To complement your writing,create a vision boardthat represents your goals. This step is optional but powerful. I highly recommend it.

Vision boards can include images, words, or anything that visually connects you to your desires.

A vision board serves as a constant reminder of yourspecific goaland helps maintain an emotional connection to what you wish to manifest.

It amplifies thepositive vibrationand keeps you focused on thedesired outcome.

Step 7: Practice Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmationshelp reinforce your intentions.

Repeating positive statements about your goals helps keep you in apositive mindsetand focused on your objectives.

This practice can be part of your morning routine or something you do throughout the day to keep your energy aligned with your aspirations.

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (4)

Step 8: Reflect on Your Progress

Regular reflection on your journey is important.

Use yourmanifestation journalto note any progress or changes in yourdaily life.

This reflection can help you see how themanifestation method works and adjust your approach if necessary.

It’s also a way to acknowledge and celebrate thegreat thingshappening in your life, encouraging furtherpersonal growth.

Step 9: Align Your Actions with Your Goals

While the369 manifestation methodis powerful, it’s also important to take actions that align with your goals.

Where this process often goes wrong is when someone refuses to take their aligned actions, not fully understanding how manifestation works.

If you’re looking to improve yourfinancial situation, for example, look for new opportunities or ways to save money.

Actions combined with manifestation practices create apowerful wayto achieve yourdesired outcome.

Step 10: Be Patient and Persistent

Finally, understand that manifestation is a process.

It might not happen overnight. Being patient and persistent is important. This is part of letting go.

Themanifestation journeyis as much about personal transformation as it is about achieving specific outcomes.

Trust the process, keep anopen mind, and stay committed to your practice.

By following these steps and using the369 manifestation method, you engage with the universe magically tomanifestyour dreams. It’s a journey ofinner strength,personal growth, and learning how to align.

What Time Should I Do the 369 Method?

Choosing the right time to practice the369 manifestation methodis important for aligning with yourpersonal energy levelsand theuniversal energies.

The most effective times are during thefirst thingin the morning, afternoon, and before you go to bed at night.

This timing aligns with the naturalvibrational energypatterns of the day and can enhance the power of your manifestations.

In the morning, yoursubconscious mindis more receptive.

It’s a time whenpositive thoughtand clarity can set the tone for the day.

Writing your affirmations three times as thefirst stepin your daily routine helps establish apositive mindsetfor the rest of the day. This practice can become anew habit, grounding you in astate of mindconducive to manifesting your desires.

During the afternoon, your energy might dip, but it’s a good time to reinforce your intentions.

Writing your affirmations six times can reignite yourinner strengthand maintain thefrequency of your desiresthroughout the day.

It acts as a midday boost, helping you overcome anynegative thoughtsor challenges that have arisen.

At night, yoursubconscious mindis again in a receptive state. Writing your affirmations nine times can enhance youremotional connectionto your goals, letting themanifestation processwork while you sleep.

It’s a way to end the day with a strong focus on your desired future, influencing your dreams andsubconscious beliefsystems magically.

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (5)

Things to Consider When Doing the 369 Manifestation Method

Belief and consistency are themost important thingsin this practice.

Doubt and irregularity can hinder the process. To overcome these challenges, establish a routine that fits into yourdaily lifecomfortably.

Regular practice boosts yourpositive emotionsand aligns you more closely with your goals.

Enhancing the effectiveness of the369 manifestation methodalso involves maintaining anopen mindand being adaptable.

If you face obstacles or feel like the method is not working, reassess your approach. Perhaps refine your affirmations or the timing of your practice.

Connecting with communities or individuals who share your journey can provide support and insight, helping you stay in theright direction.

By considering these factors and timing your practice effectively, you can maximize the impact of the369 manifestation methodin your life, leading topersonal growthand the achievement of yourdesired outcome.

Continue with: Neville Goddard Manifestation Techniques: BEST Ways to Use Them

369 Manifestation Technique: How to Do it Correctly (2024)


What is the correct way to do the 369 method? ›

Here's how:
  1. Pick an object or feeling you want in your life (for example, "I am wealthy" or "I have a loving partner").
  2. Write it down three times first thing in the morning.
  3. Then, write it down again six times in the afternoon.
  4. Finally, write it down nine times at night before bed.
Mar 29, 2024

How to manifest properly? ›

How to start manifesting
  1. Make a vision board. ...
  2. Start journaling. ...
  3. Say positive affirmations. ...
  4. Consider your dreams before bed. ...
  5. Go outside the box. ...
  6. Surround yourself with positivity. ...
  7. Practice the 369 manifestation method. ...
  8. Walk the walk.
Feb 17, 2022

Can you do the 369 method on your phone? ›

Can You Do the 369 Method on Your Phone? While writing by hand is recommended to better imprint your intentions, using your phone is also acceptable if it means you'll stick with the practice.

What is the 3 step manifestation method? ›

How to manifest
  1. Step 1 is "clearly defining what you want and breaking it down into small, achievable steps, then keeping those goals at the forefront of your mind," Darnley says. ...
  2. Step 2 is getting to work on whatever is within your control. ...
  3. Step 3 is marking progress and appreciating successes along the way.
Jun 15, 2023

How long should I write 369 method? ›

The safe answer would be 21 days. You are supposed to follow the 369 manifestation method for 21 days. But I know people have got what they were doing It for within those 21 days. In my personal experience of using this manifestation technique, I received results in about 30–35 days after starting the 369 technique.

How many days does 369 method work? ›

You can do this any way you choose. For example, you can look at yourself in the mirror while you say the affirmation. Alternatively, if you prefer writing instead, you can either write it in your journal or on sticky notes that you then stick all around. Do this continuously for 21 days, says Kristine.

How to manifest immediately? ›

10 easy ways to manifest something in just 5 minutes
  1. Set a Clear and Specific Intention: ...
  2. Choose a Peaceful and Quiet Space: ...
  3. Deep Breathing and Relaxation: ...
  4. Visualization: ...
  5. Positive Affirmations for Abundance: ...
  6. Gratitude for Prosperity: ...
  7. Trust and Release: ...
  8. Open Your Eyes:
Oct 25, 2023

How to manifest on 12 12? ›

Script Your Ideal Reality: Take a pen and paper and start scripting your desires as if they're happening in the present moment. Write in detail about the life you want to manifest, including emotions, experiences, and achievements. Express Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful magnet for positive energy.

Which manifestation method works best? ›

Manifestation is based on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.
  • Practice the 777 Method. ...
  • Make a 10-10-10 Worksheet. ...
  • Keep a Journal. ...
  • Make Positive Statements. ...
  • Work Toward Your Goal. ...
  • Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. ...
  • Build Your Confidence. ...
  • Seek Support.
Jan 1, 2024

How many times do you write the 369 method? ›

And here's how it works. When you wake up in the morning, write out your desires three times. In the afternoon, write it six times. And before you go to sleep, write it out nine more times.

What is the O method manifesting? ›

The O method manifestation technique refers to harnessing org*smic pleasure to help materialize opportunities throughout your life by fusing traditional manifestation techniques with advice from professionals and social media users alike.

What is the first rule of manifestation? ›

The first step to manifesting anything you desire is to ask. This involves simply making a decision. When you make a decision about what you want, it's just like deciding to go to the corner store to get some milk; it's no different. Once you've made that decision, your desire is manifested.

What is the 5 5 5 manifestation technique? ›

The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

What are the three laws of manifestation? ›

But, when the manifestation focus is on being abundant and happy, we will enjoy an authentic life of compassion. In the Law of Attraction there are three laws to meeting the process: Law number I: Law of Attraction, Law number 2: Law of Asking - Creating and Law number 3: Law of Allowing (Hicks, 2007).

How to write manifestation example? ›

For example:
  • I am capable of succeeding at my goals.
  • I am open to being the best version of myself.
  • I open my mind and soul to creativity.
  • I welcome positive energy in my life.
  • I release all of my insecurities.
  • I have a right to fulfill my dreams.
  • I am capable of self-love.
Jul 31, 2022

How to manifest writing down? ›

Manifestation journal ideas and tips
  1. Use manifestation journal prompts. Manifest prompts challenge you to think about your future and how you hope to achieve it. ...
  2. Write positive affirmations. Negative self-talk is the quickest way to lose momentum toward your goals. ...
  3. Make a list of your goals. ...
  4. Write what you're grateful for.
Aug 7, 2022


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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